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Forums > Living in Kunming > Is the importance of Guanxi in business in decline

Hi Dudeson and thanks for these comments
what do you think are the pressures that will make such a strong cultural characteristic (guanxi) disappear in only a decade? Do you think it is pressure from the authorities? the new generation seeking a fairer way or something else? Thanks for your input sincerely

Forums > Living in Kunming > Is the importance of Guanxi in business in decline

Hi HF Campo and thanks for these comments
Do you feel that that this new confidence from parents re standing up for their rights (eg getting their hard working students into schools) has only come in the last decade?I first came to Kunming in 1999 and there was still a strong shadow from the authorities as to what people wee able to do? Especially complain! My university colleagues were still scared to step out of line and demand a fairer deal even though they could see favours being done? Are these behaviours being accepted more now? With this in mind do you think the next generation is beginning to reject the illicit side of guanxi? or will the guanxi practices from the older generation slowly but surely change their thinking to the old ways? Interested in your views.Sincerely Stephen

Forums > Living in Kunming > Is the importance of Guanxi in business in decline

Many Western researchers and academics claim the use and importance of guanxi in business is declining in Shanghai and eastern provinces where most of China's international business is taking place. However I don't see this decline in the significance of guanxi happening in business and life in general in Kunming and invite comment from you, observers, academics, business people and any stakeholders who may live or work here and have a view on this topic. Furthermore I promise to reply to all of you who choose to comment. Many thanks. Stephen (Edith Cowan University)


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