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Forums > Living in Kunming > Is the importance of Guanxi in business in decline

I want to thank you all for this input. It is excellent to hear all sides.

One comment that caught my attention was

'Guanxi serves a select few and the majority are tired of this crap and want this outdated system thrown away. They want fairness and equality and guanxi serves neither of these 2 values that the majority think is important.'

I agree and see my Chinese colleagues with this same frustration.

However how do you achieve this elimination? and do we really want to eliminate it completely?

I feel I've learned to treat my friends better in China and the west from my exposure of the guanxi phenomenon in China? They have done a lot of great favours in return?

Sure their are those that abuse and take advantage of others. How do we eliminate this and keep the good features of guanxi like enjoying strong real friendships?

Forums > Living in Kunming > Is the importance of Guanxi in business in decline

It is interesting to see comments re mianzi is fading also.
In coming to Kunming at various times since 1999 I have yet to see this in the university or banking sector however my exposure has not been great enough to comment as an expert.
From a bigger picture it seems reasonable to hypothesize that global convergence of business technique is accelerating fast.
With the internet age there is no doubt we are heading in this direction however it then brings the question 'will in ten years times, will there be anything that differentiates doing business in China from doing business outside of China? If so what?

Forums > Living in Kunming > Is the importance of Guanxi in business in decline

I think Geezer highlights an interesting point.

The family guanxi will remain strong and important as it is a deep cultural phenomenon. Some of you may have read Mayfair Yang's Gifts Favours and Banquets. It highlights how 'family' guanxi and practice will remain an important part of Chinese life.
Do you agree that the business guanxi or utility of guanxi in business may be where the change or evolution is taking place.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Is the importance of Guanxi in business in decline

Hi Geezer
thanks for these great leads.
Do you think the pressure from authorities to eliminate corruption and/or the thinking of the new generation is resulting in any weakening or decay in this cultural phenomenon?
Re guanxi - Do you think Kunming business women and men are thinking and conducting business in the same way as business operators in coastal regions? Do you think the international presence in business in the east is having any effect?
thanks for you comments


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