Get a local SIM card when you arrive somewhere in China/Yunnan. Make sure it comes with internet access. You can buy SIM cards USUALLY at international locations, like the international airport, assuming you're coming in that way - not sure about border crossings.
You MUST have a passport or ID card and NOT all vendors will sell you a SIM card. If they're having problems registering your passport number on their computer, just pad the number with leading zeroes to create an 18 digit number - Chinese IDs are usually 18 digits.
If you're in an international location at any of the mobile phone counters, do the finger pointing thing and ask them to write down how much (carry a pen/pencil & paper), or use your phone's translator app.
Also, get HFCAMPO's mobile long as your issue is non-criminal - he's a pretty friendly and helpful guy.
It's an internet based translation site. There are others, this is baidu, so usually available everywhere in China.
Translations can be spotty sometimes, but you'll get the general point across.
For emergencies, make sure you have the phone numbers of major 5 star international hotels. If you get into some kind of non-criminal difficulty - get lost, etc - call the concierge - they can and will USUALLY (not always) help you out in an emergency.
Remember - google is blocked in China, so zero google services here.
With internet - you'll also have access to maps via android or IOS, depending on your mobile device.
Finally - BEWARE train and bus stations - high concentration of pickpockets and other petty thieves, especially in the wee hours.
Good luck with your adventure - should be an incredibly interesting experience!
Finally - if you need non-critical assistance, go for the students - they all study English (of dubious value). The older folk did not and won't understand a word your gesturing...
Patrick Scally hands GK editorial reins to Vera van de Nieuwenhof
发布者I was wondering what's next for Patrick. Wish him well in his future endeavors.
Report: Poverty levels continue to drop significantly across Yunnan
Assuming your question was serious - a simple google or bing search will yield a plethora of results. The UN ( has an excellent article on China and India's definition of "poverty lines", but the information is probably outdated as China's economy zooms ahead. China's National Development & Reform Commission - which manages the national five year plan strategies contains the general high level requirements for sustainable development of this country (
China's five years plans used to be mocked and ridiculed by the western media - but if you've ever performed or witnessed requirements engineering and the processes and artifacts - you cannot but conclude these artifacts are world class professional documents. The Five Year Plans are essentially high level requirements, which indicate the government's architecture for this country - which are then supposed to be devolved by project owners (government officials) into detailed planning documents for execution, monitoring & controlling, and phase out - following generally accepted globally recognized professional standards for professional project management.
Report: Poverty levels continue to drop significantly across Yunnan
发布者Many of China's sustainable poverty elimination plans included seeding of livestock (chickens, pigs, etc) to enable animal husbandry, to increase annual income of the farmers. Last reports were China had sustainable eliminated poverty for over 800 million citizens, with roughly 70-80 million to go. Xi JinPing's goal is 100% elimination by 2020.
Regardless of definition - the consistent attention to poverty elimination is laudable and China's accomplishment in this area is unparalleled in recorded history - resulting in formal recognition by the UN for its successful efforts in this area.
Occasionally, there are questionable ploys to eliminate poverty - such as merely moving people from poverty stricken areas to a different place, to accomplish the numbers - however moving to more fertile or arable ground with better access to transportation, water, healthcare and education facilities can also be considered an improvement in quality of life.
China's current Five Year Plans call for the industrialization of the rural areas, in a responsible sustainable manner. This next move will involve a major cultural shift in the rural areas as farmers begin to aggregate land and resources, pay more attention to water and soil pollution, and reduce the uses of chemical fertilizers and insecticides.
Animal husbandry is another area of potential aggregation - with tremendous opportunities for the high technologies from developed nations such as the EU (+UK), Japan, and USA.
All of these technologies offer the opportunity of significantly reduced water usage and significantly reduced water pollution. It's actually a rather exciting period of history to watch as this massive country continues its transition into a developed nation and global leader and expands into the belt and road with infrastructure development for its neighbors.
If the China model can be applied along the belt and road - the entire Middle East and Africa will finally have the opportunity to similarly eliminate poverty, develop sustainable economies, and perhaps even make serious dents on global terrorism.
Property conglomerate Hang Lung opens Spring City 66, Kunming's tallest building
发布者Terrifying. Two years to get architectural drawings approved and 8 years from inception to project completion. Absolutely terrifying process. I wonder why HangLung was so consistently motivated to develop this project in Kunming?
Video: Zen and the art of patisserie with chef Igor Nataf
发布者Meanwhile - back to Igor's, the video was quite nice also...Thank you.