My professional experience is commercial, military, and academic - primarily with US, Japanese, Chinese, and US subsidiaries in the UK working mostly at Chief Engineer or C-level. From a management perspective - I've seen massive fraud, widespread professional plagiarism (copying other company's implementation documentation and trying to present it as original engineering work), pervasive and persistent contract fraud, design fraud, project fraud - the list is endless (aka what is WRONG with this world?). I ALWAYS have to prepare for staff meetings with subordinates in advance - as they've also engaged in fraud, criminal activity (embezzling, misuse of government resources), and just plain outright bold-faced lies. So I'm exceptionally pessimistic regarding processes that involve people. Trust is an exceedingly rare thing for me, professionally.
Certain physical phenomena occur within limited "bands" of conditions - example snow or rain will form within a limited spectrum of temperature, pressure (altitude), and humidity.
As an example - assume snow only forms between 0-10C - then expand your graph to include -10 to +20C. However you also limit your simulations or lab measurements to the 0-10C band.
Viola - you have random data within the 0-10C band, with occasional data points outside due to experimental errors, drift, etc et viola - your random data is now essentially banded - has an upper and lower limit, and you may now proceed with applying curve fitting algorithms to random data.
Statistics and accounting are commonly known "inside the profession" as "lying with numbers". The buzzword for this today is Decision-based data - cherry-picking data to support a biased, pre-disposed position.
Data-based decisions are not always correct and decision-based data is rather moot, but this is the illusion of the US MBA management philosophy and it's spread into government, academia, and is prolific in industry.
But - at the end of the day - it's still just my personal opinion, based on multiple severely polluted professional careers, within narrow spectrums of domestic and multinational corporations, government interactions (to include SOEs), etc.
Your milage may vary (YMMV).
Bringing a taste of Italy to Yunnan: An interview with Diego Triboli
Great pictures!
I was first introduced to Cantina through a YFBC meeting (Jeff - thanks for the invite). Great place - great reminder to go find this place again! Phenomenal wine bar!
With 2017 CITM, Yunnan stakes its future to tourism industry
发布者Go Yereth!
China's foreign minister shelves trade concerns, turns to Myanmar's Rohingya crisis
发布者Burma has had several ethnic cleansings a la Bhutan over the last century.
Rohingya are a minority in Burma. Of course it's not the solution they want but it's most definitely the solution the current diverse majority of Burma want, otherwise the west's former darling of democracy SKY would've immediately denounced the cleansing as opposed to her deafening silence.
It's a big issue now simply because it's a political pawn between the USA's Obama era China containment strategy and China's strategy for direct land access to the Indian Ocean, to support it's OBOR strategy.
Terrible - yes.
But how many of us REALLY know the religious politics of that area?
China's foreign minister shelves trade concerns, turns to Myanmar's Rohingya crisis
发布者China typically does not interfere in the sovereign operations of other countries on the scale of say other superpowers.
That said - Burma basically missed their window of opportunity to provide energy to power starved China. Yunnan now has a significant surplus of renewable energy that required a Beijing policy to remediate.
We only know about the Rohingya based on rather biased western media coverage. Remember the "Arab Spring" which the media initially gushed over - not so gushy now that we're in the "Arab Winter", eh?
Best solution is probably to try to help the Rohingya settle in a sustainable and humane manner in Bangladesh because Myanmar seriously doesn't want them back. Perhaps POTUS Trump can outsourcing the Great Wall of the USA to Myanmar also...
This article also apparently neglected to mention that Myanmar is or was an Obama era pivot to "contain" China (an utterly moronic, unsustainable, and irresponsible global policy).
China considering plan to make Xinjiang desert a new California
发布者Seems China can also use water resources in addition to economic resources to balance the relationships with India and Bangladesh.
Not a pleasant thought for water-strapped India - but a future reality.