用户配置文件: flyingeggplant

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Forums > Living in Kunming > New Requirements for Foreign Expert Certificate

Brilliant! I'm sure the Chinese parents will be thrilled that the government has made it even more difficult for good teachers to work here. If the ads on GK are any indication, many schools are already desperate. And after teaching for eight years in three different countries, I can tell you that some of the best teachers I've known had no degree and some with degrees were crap.I don't expect the paper shufflers in Beijing to understand that of course, I'm just sayin'...


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Looks great, but if you live in the center city, Dr. Li's clinic at 55 Hua Shan Nan Rd. has been delivering modern dental services to locals and foreigners for years now. He and several other staff members speak English and his facilities are state of the art. Highly recommended. Here's his number: 13708738885

