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Forums > Travel Yunnan > Travelling to Vietnam (UK passport)

Does any one know the exact rules for getting into Vietnam for British passport holders? I read that you get 15 days in the country free but couldn't find information on wether this applies to the China-Vietnam land border at Hekou. And is it only your passport you need? No additional documents like hotel or travel bookings?
Also if anyone knows the current situation with getting a train to Hekou that would be really helpful as I've read a few different things.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Snooker in Kunming

Does anyone know anywhere in Kunming to play snooker? Preferably in the North but that's not so important.
I'm also looking for people to play with. I'm not great (highest break of 22) I just miss getting a regular game in the UK.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Info on teaching jobs in Kunming

Thanks for the replies everyone!
@debaser Yeah, I've had a look through the some of the threads on here, I could only really find info about Shane which is sounding pretty reasonable. Good idea about asking to speak to current employees.
@tigertiger I teach at a government school in another part of China at the moment so i'm aware of the pay difference etc. But the thing is I have no idea how to go about finding another government job. I got my current one through an organisation in the UK but they're pretty useless after the first year of teaching.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Info on teaching jobs in Kunming

I'm currently looking for an English teaching job in Kunming starting at the beginning of the next school year. Just wondering if anyone knows where to look for government school jobs? Or any jobs with normal working hours (i.e. not evenings and weekends). I'm not totally averse to this, I'm just wanting to check what's out there and what people do at the moment.
I've been looking into some private language schools as well - i2, First Leap, Summit, Shane etc. Any information (reliability, trustworthiness, working conditions) on these, or any other schools in Kunming would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance.


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