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Forums > Living in Kunming > Daily transportation to accommodation in hills

Thank u for your indepth response.
I have driven to 三家村 myself by car from yunda. Only 45 minutes. Straight through 人民西路, left at 眠山 and then right to 马街中村 where the entrance to 棋盘山 is。from there its app 10 km to 三家村 of which 6-8 are uphill. At baidu maps its quite easy to see the road. Very few busses (if any) go directly from 马街中村 to city center and no busses from 马街中村 to 三家村。 Dont want to use to much time traveling, which is why i would prefer driving on my own.

Do gas driven scooters require mc driver licence? I am looking forward to the metro! When is it expected to open?

I am aware of vehicle restrictions within second ringroad. I will have to work around that.


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