用户配置文件: Zhang Lijuan

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Forums > Living in Kunming > what would U do if U can't afford the credit card

yeah, the situation is still in control, luckly i have paid off the credit card with 22000rmb, then i will apply for installment of two years for the card with 19000rmb. i will ask my company lend me salary with 6000rmb,and deduct 800rmb every month, and i will ask mom lend me 7000rmb to pay back, hope she woul not scold me seriously.

thank all of you sincerely!
thank you, guys! sincerely.

Forums > Living in Kunming > what would U do if U can't afford the credit card

my budget every month including rent and cost of living is totally 2200rmb, even i try my best to figure out every way of saving money, i can save merely 800 at most. i am so ebarrassed to ask my friends help me, even some of them have depost. i only want to find some part time job like writer or painter which i could do when i work. it is the last way to slove the problem that i turn to my family and friends for help.

Forums > Living in Kunming > what would U do if U can't afford the credit card

thank you very much! i really appreciate all of your advise, but that would be wondeful if i have post this kind of problem before!

i have pay off one card with 22000rmb and canceled it, but there are two credit card left (the one with 19000rmb and the other with 12000rmb ), and the worse problem is i have MAXED OUT!!!

My salary now is 3000rmb/month, i reallised that it is far not enough even i spend two years to pay off.

the way to pay off ASAP i can come up with is improve my salary up to 4000rmb/month, which means i have to find a part time jpb with salary 1000 at least.

this suffering reminds me the novle named Necklace


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