Forums > Living in Kunming > New Coronavirus Laws, morality, philosophy etc could be considered just another dimension of competing against other nations (or whatever teams, or even individuals) that lack such. Increasing stability of our society to give us edge against less stable societies. Just a more advanced extension of our biology and primal urges.
Developed countries, or citizens therein, may slowly be moving beyond whatever, but that could mean just moving the goal - not changing the game.
But I give that eventually it's better to compete against others with cleaner environment or fairer society, than wheels of industry or weapons for example.
Forums > Living in Kunming > New Coronavirus As far as the problems surrounding definition of "greatest nation" go, personally I believe that for most part it is competition that got humanity this far. It brought us most of both the good and bad that we have, or what we are.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Possible free 2 month visa extension I want to clarify this - do you guys really go to local police registration offices for visa extensions rather than to the Entry & Exit bureau on Tuodong Lu? I thought that's the only place it can be done in Kunming.
I'm pretty sure our local PSB can't do anything but housing registration.
Forums > Living in Kunming > New Coronavirus I think it'll be like what goes around comes around.
China will lower defenses and get hit by the curve ball heading back.
To continue on something I mentioned earlier, which is that now there are lot of people stuck in their apartments among themselves, and birth rates later in the year will go up.
These babies might grow up with face masks on right out of the womb, and in general in more sanitary environment than babies only recently have.
However, the first year in newborn life is crucial in coming contact with environment and building up resistance to more common nasty things (than Covid) that surround us.
So I speculate that while we might see more babies born this and possibly next year, we might also witnes that generation suffering more from asthma and/or worse sicknesses, that in more developed nations have generally been attributed to over-clinical environments in homes.
Migrant workers receive bricks in lieu of pay
发布者@alienew: "The workers should hold them liable with brickbats."
Well, that would set a dangerous precedent, which would only result in only tighter enslaving of employees in future operations across the nation. And certainly overriding limited liability of iinvestors only serves to drive investments away from these places.
Migrant workers receive bricks in lieu of pay
发布者"The company may not have assets to pay, but I bet the owners do."
And that's the difference between limited and unlimited liability ownership.
University life in the not-so-ghost town of Chenggong
发布者The second to last picture with all the shop signs actually reminds me of Hong Kong.
Perhaps off topic, but this is strikingly opposite of recent developments in first tier cities and in fact even our own apartment block in northern Kunming, where the authorities are forcing shops to remove excessive signs on the streets and in the walls - basically anywhere outside the immediate space the shops have leased.
Government sues parents to get kids back to school
发布者Alright, if you go that way then everything is assuming. Assumptions is what made our ancestors come down from trees and cross a river and a mountain range. You assume quite a bit already when you go to sleep at night.
I am not assuming anything that didn't happen already. China already had a peasant revolution that was supposed to bring prosperity to all.
I am not asking for another revolution, but I am asking for that same spark. I do admit assuming that the Chinese state can contain such spark better this time.
Government sues parents to get kids back to school
发布者@Dazzer: "you go again, asume asume "
Is it assuming if I have seen it with my own eyes?