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Forums > Living in Kunming > Living with CoVid-19

Between the lines of these new policies, my take is that the concern for foreign arrivals is now not in bringing fresh infections to spread, but rather not needlessly burdening local health care system with sick foreigners. Perhaps not so much a problem in first tier cities, more so along Yunnan borders for example.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Living with CoVid-19

SCMP reports that China is going to scrap quarantines and reopen borders on January 8. Maybe take with grain of salt, but anyway.


China will reopen borders and abandon quarantine after it downgrades its treatment of Covid-19 on January 8.

The decision is the country’s last step in shedding three years of zero-Covid and pivoting to living with the virus.

Covid-19 has been managed as a top category A infectious disease since 2020, putting it on par with bubonic plague and cholera.


But three sources from provincial health authorities and hospitals in Guangdong, Fujian and Jiangsu said they were notified by the National Health Commission on Sunday, asking them to prepare for the downgrade to category B management from January 8.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Living with CoVid-19

My wife had the fever (max 38.8) one morning in last weekend, but during the day the fever disappeared and since then there has been just some cough, even less than with regular flu I'd say. But she used home test in Monday to confirm it is Covid.

For rest of us in the household, our 5yr threw up in the Monday evening (the cause could have been something else) and the grandmother (who is not vaccinated) has had some coughs, but neither has been feverish, achy or anything else at all. I've had no symptoms at all yet.

I'm not sure if could be a factor, but both me and our son had regular cold infection less than 2 weeks ago (tested negative for Covid), so our defenses could have been readily up for the battle even if the virus is different. Keeping fingers crossed.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Living with CoVid-19

With the big boat changing course, I figure we can start new topic on the theme as well.

Anyone sick yet?

My other half had fever today, after her colleque got sick couple of days before. We are assuming it's CoVid, but apparently it's completely voluntary to confirm that or do anything else special either. It's just like flu now, here too.

Her training school was opened week or so ago, but student attendance has been <5%, so they closed shop for the cold spell voluntarily.

And that seems to be the story now. No restrictions from the up, but people taking voluntary steps perhaps even more efficiently than under previous scheme, and staying home. Or maybe it's just the cold.


No results found.


On our trips to wife's hometown in rural Baoshan, we've pretty much had to spend a night in hotel in Dali on the way, before taking a bus west to Yongping and then shared car south to rural Baoshan in the following day.

Sometimes it's a choice though, because there are friends to see in Dali - but more often necessity.

With this new train, we may be able to take early train to Dali, and have enough time to get to Yongping and to our final destination within same day.

So for us, and I believe many western Yunnanese who make way home, this will mean opportunity to skip more of Dali.

What has probably changed in last few years, is that local authorities are increasingly offering cash rewards to citizens who report any kind of suspicious activities by foreigners - be it drugs, prostitution, or spying.

Overall, my opinion about "socialism with Chinese characteristics" is that the "Chinese characteristics" should be limited to absolute single party rule in Beijing to decide laws and the directions that the country goes.

Implementing those laws should (and are) left to local level governments, and these local level governments should be accountable to the people.

These officials do not need be democratically elected, but they should serve the people democractically.

The people should hold local government officials accountable for implementing the decisions that dictators in Beijing dictate. This is where the democracy in China should thrive. The people should have direct channels to Beijing to report failures of local officials, and Beijing should be quick to respond.

People shouldn't even have a need to go to barricades, if they could trust the supposedly strong central government to deal with issues.

This does absolute not mean that the rule of party would decrease - it would increase, through and for the people. The central government will become stronger, when they don't have to watch inefficient local officials holding posts that they don't deserve.

They implement this accountability retroactively now, and Yunnan is no stranger to this. Development toward society with people first will also mean officials being accountable first and not sometime later.

And I believe that the system will naturally develop to that.

Anti-corruption campaign has changed the picture, where those who want easy life with kickbacks and gifts aim for official positions with capacity to receive them. Increasingly it is so, that those who really want to serve the people even consider these positions.

A smart to-be official like this will eventually perhaps voluntarily ask the people if they want him to take the post to begin with. And that's not far from western-like democracy, even if no formal elections ever take place and the important decisions keep being made by dictators in Beijing.

Foreign observes can keep commenting about those decisions made in Beijing to end of days, while China should ignore that and not fuel the fire by having the decisions (whether good or bad) not properly carried through local levels.

This is increasingly important now, when structural changes (of which many can not be expected to be popular with all components of society) are required to float the ship.

For Chinese, the country being a dictatorship of the party would be better than a being broken dictatorship of the party, that it has been in past.

@nnoble: "Why should anyone assume that China aspire to become democratic or why 'democracy' should be considered a suitable system of governance for China?"

Now you are incorrecly assuming that choice between democracy or any other system is a black and white decision that defines the entire governing system of a country.

Even China does have some democracy in grassroots (rownship etc) levels, and increasing this kind of democracy does not mean abandoning the rule of the party or socialism with Chinese characteristics. The opposite in fact - well measured moves to increase democracy in select areas can strengthen the rule of the party.

Simple truth is that when people get sufficiently fed and housed, their minds start to wander to what else they should or could get.

Should they be wanting KTVs and KFCs, or guarantee that now they have proper housing, they won't have to move again just because some businessman from Zhejiang wants to build a dam or a mine right in that spot - with or without their permission, with or without proper environmental guards.

Also there are some possible positive consequences that could be expected from removing poverty in China. It is clearly an area where the state is putting lot of money and resources, and once that is done, what next?

Optimists could expect the country's self esteem and confidence to raise from "job well done", which could release political will to liberal reforms - further increase rule of law, civil society, or even democracy.

But an unavoidable next step is to build support to the aging population.

So just as important as removing poverty is, possibly even more important is to get it done so the country can move to other things.

