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Forums > Living in Kunming > Many Condo complexes (小区) are giving Covid testing

I couldn't help recalling how the previous semester of kindergarten started by adjusting delivery and pick up times of the children to better suit regular daily routines of families (dinner times etc), and thus being better for overall development of the children and society as whole. I think I even mentioned about it on this forum.

Fast forward one week, and same kindergarten had observed that picking up children at this hour coincided with pickup times of neighboring primary school, causing traffic congestion. Citing scientific approach the pickup times were changed back to original.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Many Condo complexes (小区) are giving Covid testing

Today at noon son's kindergarten informed that to cooperate with the epiemic prevention and control, everyone in household must get tested once every 48h this week. Which we promptly rushed to do, as ours was expiring.

Then at 7pm kindergarten informed that due to adjustment of epidemic preventation and control policy, tests are no longer needed at all.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Many Condo complexes (小区) are giving Covid testing

If not needed for means of transport that's great for getting around, but what about various government offices or even entertainment venues at the destinations, any intel on those?

For example PSB Exit & Entry had 24h test requirement previously. Need to pick up passport this week so will find out.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Many Condo complexes (小区) are giving Covid testing

If I need to go somewhere, I usually can schedule it well in advance and then I actually prefer 12+ hours to get the results, over faster 4h.

As I typically run errands in mornings (including taking the test), I would anyway not get the results in for that morning, and if I get results in 4h, then next day it would only be valid through the morning and not in afternoon anymore - should I need that.

But if it takes 12-18h, the test I'd take in the Monday morning would be valid through all Tuesday.

But much prefer if not needed at all soon!

Forums > Living in Kunming > Many Condo complexes (小区) are giving Covid testing

Another detail about the tests is that the time from taking the sample to having it actually tested takes time.

In my last case (checking the details in the phone app) that seems to have taken 18h - and I assume the 24/48h/whatever period they check from that, which is already 18h late.

Obviously this does not help if you need to be somewhere in next 24 hours and haven't been tested yet, but if you can get tested in advance, the 24h window does not start from taking the test, but possibly much later.


No results found.


Since this website serves foreigners (and locals) not just in Kunming but wider in Yunnan province, I wonder if something to reflect that could be arranged in regards of this PSB cooperation.

At least my personal observations of matters related to organized crime is not so much in Kunming, but outside it.

The first episode left a bit hasty picture. in my opinion in line with what Kunming is - a crossroads city to spend a day, max two, on way to other tourist sites in the province..

Personally I would have liked seeing more in depth stuff, not just the 2-3 highlights available on any travel guide.

But probably cannot do much more in few minutes show, and also why I don't epect much more from the coming episodes.

@vicar: "I know how to keep toilets clean"

In most public toilets in city (and beyond) that I have seen, they have a cleaning person stationed on the premises. I don't know know if they even go home for nights.

In many countries that alone would be considered a huge investment, but obviously not in China.

