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Forums > Living in Kunming > Receiving WeChat payment

My wife has been making monthly transfers from her WeChat to mine.

But this month when I tried to receive the payment, the app asked me to verify my identify by registering a SECOND bank account with WeChat - citing some regulatory requirements.

Has anyone else run into this? Is this a new thing, or have these monthly transfers accumulated over some threshold to trigger this?

I only have one bank account in China in my own name, do not wish to link (if even possible) corporate account that I have, nor open a second bank account just to verify my identify - but suppose I must if there's no other way.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Visa office on Toudong

A residence permit (temporary) is possible to renew months in advance, if there is even semi-good reason.

Say, you will be travelling elsewhere for couple of months, or like in my case my passport will expire in 2023 so already this year they reminded to renew next time (in 2022) a few months earlier so that I can get the 1-year RP until my passport expiration.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Visa office on Toudong

@sunjiangyu: "Did not need wife's hukou (did need her temporary Kunming residence permit because she's not from Kunming),"

In this situation, the last times I applied for marriage residence permit (that was a few years ago) they could not give more than 1 year, because wife was on 1 year temporary permits as well, and mine couldn't be longer than hers.

Was your choice of 2 year permit perhaps similarly based on your wife's permit?

Forums > Living in Kunming > COP15 Live Broadcast

I believe that at the time of Aichi conference in 2010, many European countries were already struggling to implement and manage their commitments to Europe's own "Natura 2000" program, which was agreed way back in 1992, a year before EU in its current form even existed.

Like I stated in earlier comment, in this kind of matters EU countries have the benefit of having an entity above their national governments, that they cannot simply ignore when inconvenient. There have been infringements, but also legal means to address those.

Few other countries have this. I would say that above all, PRC (and the ruling party here) would not accept any external (or internal) force to bind her sovereignty that way.

Forums > Living in Kunming > COP15 Live Broadcast

YaXu5: "nor the luxury of muscle flexing until 2030 or beyond. Reelections may be just around the corner"

I doubt that for example any EU country is going to commit to this kind of treaty without EU itself acting as proxy for it, and EU making that commitment on behalf of the member nations - details being subject to debates within EU first of course.

Subsequently most countries within EU (poke Poland) place EU directives above their national legislation, and as such national elections generally have no lawful relevance to continued commitments to EU level treaties - save exiting EU altogether, in extreme cases.


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Since this website serves foreigners (and locals) not just in Kunming but wider in Yunnan province, I wonder if something to reflect that could be arranged in regards of this PSB cooperation.

At least my personal observations of matters related to organized crime is not so much in Kunming, but outside it.

The first episode left a bit hasty picture. in my opinion in line with what Kunming is - a crossroads city to spend a day, max two, on way to other tourist sites in the province..

Personally I would have liked seeing more in depth stuff, not just the 2-3 highlights available on any travel guide.

But probably cannot do much more in few minutes show, and also why I don't epect much more from the coming episodes.

@vicar: "I know how to keep toilets clean"

In most public toilets in city (and beyond) that I have seen, they have a cleaning person stationed on the premises. I don't know know if they even go home for nights.

In many countries that alone would be considered a huge investment, but obviously not in China.

