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Forums > Living in Kunming > Chinese birth certificate name changee

Between the lines I read that there is more to the question/challenge of getting her passport than the name on either of the birth certificates.

Is it that you want the passport, but more specifically you want the passport with name of your choice on it, rather than any/current name? Or is this a question of questionable nationality rather than birth name? Like, does she have Chinese citizenship and ID?

I am pretty sure that the ORIGINAL birth certificate cannot be altered now, 18 years after birth, so this would be more like a process of acquiring a name change. I don't know how that goes in China.

Might be different in UK, but in my home country within EU, it doesn't matter what name our son had´s on his Chinese birth certificate. There is no requirement of having my family name on it, for him to be recognized as my descendant, and obtaining EU passport or other privileges with that recognition.

It was only that the first passport (and other registrations) had to be done with the exact Pinyin transliteration of the Chinese name. If we/he later wants to change the name, he can do that and then get new passport/other documents with the new name. We might do that, because the direct Pinyin version results in a bit incorrect spelling. But as far as just getting a passport goes, that's has not been a problem.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Getting a Mortgage in Kunming

"assets acquired AFTER marriage are considered community property in China - regardless of how one tries to hide or manipulate the assets"

Unfortunately that doesn't work both ways.

If the name of the foreign spouse is not on the property deeds, it having been "seriously complicated" to do at the time may not be a valid excuse to consider the foreign spouse having a claim on the property after the marriage (or even during marriage in some cases).

It may be complicated indeed, but I would argue worth the effort in long run. In particular for younger couples for which there may be a "after marriage".

That said, thought came up for older generation, what would happen if the Chinese spouse passes away first and the foreign spouse has no name on the property? Sub scenarios with shared children or only the Chinese spouse having children?

Forums > Travel Yunnan > Summer camp for primary school

With the developments in extra-curricular education in China in recent years, such schools and/or camps will be limited to subjects like art or sports, or simply daycare for younger children.

In other fields (including Mandarin language) the offering will be extremely restricted, considering they must be strictly non-profit and as such probably focused to serve families in need. They would gladly take the money from wealthier families, but are not allowed to.

But if immersion to Mandarin language is the primary objective, the subject may not matter to you that much. Given the above, there are probably more options to choose from arts and sports, than there were before.

Also considering that less children will spend their holidays at training centers now, there are generally more kids at playgrounds etc. My son can usually spend half a day downstairs at the playgrounds of this gated block, mingling with neighbors and getting all the Mandarin he needs, but this works only because he is ultra social. Lucky me.

This said, now that travel to China is opening up again, I do suspect that near-future trend in extra-curricular education in China (in particular with Mandarin language) will increasingly serve foreign families - or for example Cantonese speakers.

Summer schools educating foreign children and families about the language and culture, even throwing some math or whatever in it, could be both profitable and serve additional interests of the powers-that-be here.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Trail Running & Hiking

I faintly recall posts about a local branch of some leisure/beer type hiking group, but that was maybe 3+ years ago. I suppose if it was mainly foreigner-run, many have left since then.

Couldn't find the posts quickly, and forgot the name of the gathering.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Living with CoVid-19

Globally there is some pressure to implement the 48-hour negative test requirement for arrivals from China, but airlines, travel agents and transfer hubs may play it safe and require it already even if destination country has not yet made it official.

They probably want to avoid the trouble and responsibility if such requirement comes up when a person is already transferring in Bangkok, for example. A person may be prevented from boarding the connecting flight to Europe for example, and then who pays...


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@sezuwupom : "JanJal is living the good life [...] Igor's delivers to your door."

You forgot to mention that I recycle and care for environment, which is why I would prefer to pick up my bakeries on my way rather than have someone on scooter deliver it wrapped in plastics. Even if it would leave the plastic maker and the scooter driver jobless. They could find new jobs in Just Hot, which I keep in business.

But I wish best of luck to Igor's. If location is everything, they have some catching up to do to reach out to potential customers like they are doing in this paid review..

Went here one morning after grocery shopping in nearby Walmart.

No surprise, shelves were less than half-empty like they are in all upper scale bakeries I've visited in Kunming, specifically in the mornings before lunch.

They all seem to get stocked up few hours after lunch time, which for me is too late because I like to consume my sweets at home(=office) couple of hours after lunch, without making a separate trip for it.

Thus my staple bakeries remain from big and soulless chains like Just Hot, that have their donuts ready before 11am.

They also say time is a healer, and it takes time to grow. While time does get peope killed, it also helps greatly in reproduction. Without time, we would not have gotten where we are now - nor would we get to develop into extradimensional beings bound by neither space nor time, if we ban it now.

What I propose, is that we do not ban time, but instead develop ourselves beyond time, so that we no longer depend on it, and becomes indifferent to us.

On a related but more serious note, should humanity also develop beoynd organic in our feeding patterns?

For most people, things like "organic" or "free range" has already developed past hunting wild game and gathering roots and berries. For the minority that still practises such, our current methods to grow our food must appear as strange as eating protein grown in reactors would sound to many of us.

A store we frequent for vegetables and meat is Q+Life in B1 level of TKP Shopping Mall (Beijing Lu / Baiyun Lu). My wife has bought for their green advertising, I cannot vouch either way but I'm satisfied with the quality.

Well, we are having minor thunderstorm right now. Earlier in the week my phone's weather forecast showed daily rain drops in Kunming from end of this week til end of eternity, Or was it just the two weeks ahead it can show.

