用户配置文件: JanJal

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Forums > Living in Kunming > Foreigner children attend local primary school?

Let's bring back another old thread, because time has passed.

Our son is turning 5 this spring, and apparently he gets to enter primary school in autumn next year - at 6 years old due to the cutting date in China being in autumn rather than end of year.

I'm looking for intelligence on what to expect in grades 1-2, primarily about education itself, and specifically reading and writing Chinese language.

This could be issue for us, because wife works weekday evenings and weekends in training school, and let's just say that I'm not qualified to help with Chinese homework.

My wife tells me to not to worry, because the recent crackdown in educations means grades 1-2 get no homework whatsoever, Chinese or otherwise.

Other side of the coin is that the same crackdown bans buying tutoring, should we need that.

I'm looking for recent experiences to confirm these things. Kid is treated as Chinese if that matters, and speaks the language fluently given his age.

Forums > Travel Yunnan > Dinosaur park between Kunming and Chuxiong

To backtrack to the original topic, there is a review of the park from 2016 on this site:


Does anyone know if the park today operates at same level of quality as witnessed in the article, or has it been improved or fallen from that?

To get there, the article recommends taking bus from Kunming West bus station to Lufeng (1h30min) and then small bus to the park (40min), and leave the park before 16:30 to catch last bus to Kunming.

To connect back to the more recent posts, does the high speed train to Dali stop at Lufeng? That would allow for better options to get there from Kunming - maybe even day visit there and get to Dali by evening.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Any place to watch NBA games?

China's state broadcaster CCTV has apparently resumed showing select NBA games this month, after couple of years stoppage.

Warriors @ Spurs on CCTV-5 right now. Meanwhile QQ continues to stream most of other games.

Forums > Living in Kunming > COVID 19 vaccine for foreigners

I recall by-appointment was mentioned in the first doses too, but neverthless you could just walk in without.

Probably appointment was originally needed for schools or others potentially large groups, and extended to everyone in way that is common bureacracy here - only to be ignored in the end.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Hospital recommendations for giving birth

I'm not sure what qualifies as "proper VIP" for you, but I would suggest to settle to any medically qualified maternity hospital that can arrange private room where not only your wife, but also you can sleep the couple of nights prior to delivery if needed - if that's what you want of course.


No results found.


@sezuwupom : "JanJal is living the good life [...] Igor's delivers to your door."

You forgot to mention that I recycle and care for environment, which is why I would prefer to pick up my bakeries on my way rather than have someone on scooter deliver it wrapped in plastics. Even if it would leave the plastic maker and the scooter driver jobless. They could find new jobs in Just Hot, which I keep in business.

But I wish best of luck to Igor's. If location is everything, they have some catching up to do to reach out to potential customers like they are doing in this paid review..

Went here one morning after grocery shopping in nearby Walmart.

No surprise, shelves were less than half-empty like they are in all upper scale bakeries I've visited in Kunming, specifically in the mornings before lunch.

They all seem to get stocked up few hours after lunch time, which for me is too late because I like to consume my sweets at home(=office) couple of hours after lunch, without making a separate trip for it.

Thus my staple bakeries remain from big and soulless chains like Just Hot, that have their donuts ready before 11am.

They also say time is a healer, and it takes time to grow. While time does get peope killed, it also helps greatly in reproduction. Without time, we would not have gotten where we are now - nor would we get to develop into extradimensional beings bound by neither space nor time, if we ban it now.

What I propose, is that we do not ban time, but instead develop ourselves beyond time, so that we no longer depend on it, and becomes indifferent to us.

On a related but more serious note, should humanity also develop beoynd organic in our feeding patterns?

For most people, things like "organic" or "free range" has already developed past hunting wild game and gathering roots and berries. For the minority that still practises such, our current methods to grow our food must appear as strange as eating protein grown in reactors would sound to many of us.

A store we frequent for vegetables and meat is Q+Life in B1 level of TKP Shopping Mall (Beijing Lu / Baiyun Lu). My wife has bought for their green advertising, I cannot vouch either way but I'm satisfied with the quality.

Well, we are having minor thunderstorm right now. Earlier in the week my phone's weather forecast showed daily rain drops in Kunming from end of this week til end of eternity, Or was it just the two weeks ahead it can show.

