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Forums > Living in Kunming > Earthquake just now?

I was sitting at my computer and suddenly felt myself swaying slightly from side to side. First I was thinking I'm having something wrong in my head and I should lay down.

But then my wife called from living room "Our house is moving!", as she saw the laundry hanging in the balcony starting to move.

When I went to living room, we also saw framed paintings on the wall move.

This was in 31th floor, where the small shaking was noticeable for about 30 seconds.

After pondering over it a bit, we headed downstairs.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Watching World Cup

I run TV guide website www.sinoepg.net. We have English TV schedule for World Cup in Chinese TV channels. All matches are shown live on CCTV-5.


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Speaking of potato, what's the favorite kind of street food potato you people have had in Kunming?

There is a strip along Beijing Lu about half-way between Baiyun Lu and North Railway Station, where there are several small eateries (and one big hot pot restaurant) on the west side of road.

One of those small shops sells potato slices which are apparently first cooked in oil, and then finished in another round of oil before being mixed with chili and some other spices.

You can probably find same kind of potato elsewhere in Kunming, at least there is sign outside which has contact number for franchising.

Very delicious, this has become my favorite potato dish in Kunming.

Yeah by "those who have a choice" I was referring to people who could pack up their family and leave the city or even the country if must. Should such people want to report about apparent corruption (would have to be first hand experience I guess) in education system, where would they do it in Kunming?

That restoration project sounds nice. Without knowing the details, it would be an interesting opportunity for the foreign community to do some volunteering, if it ever takes such form where it might be applicable.

