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Forums > Living in Kunming > Hospital recommendations for giving birth

Yes - Chinese settle primarily for safe and efficient delivery, and (again, on average) do not put as much detail on how it gets done. Same for many services, medical or other. End result means more than the process, and in child delivery historically there are more valid reasons for that.

In case of foreigner experiences as described above, this goes deep in the system and the people working in the field are not (yet?) equipped to even consider other or better processes, because only the results in big picture matter.

In other words, "it doesn't matter if a cat is black or white so long as it catches mice"...

Forums > Living in Kunming > Hospital recommendations for giving birth


I dare to say that there is a cultural(?) difference in what sort of quality average Chinese vs average foreign, let's say consumer, is looking for. Even more so in matters of services related to life and death as is case in delivering babies.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Replacement Mobile Phone Battery

Reviving another old thread.

My Samsung phone has started complaining about deteriorating battery performance, which I can also observe from slow recharge times.

It is a few years old model (2018), with no warranty left or anything of the kind.

Still it functions well otherwise, so I would want to replace the battery instead of buying a new phone. However, it's new enough for battery replacement not being a simple plug and play thing.

The phone was bought abroad, which apparently is a problem.

My wife called the official Samsung service where they do these operations in Kunming, who told that they only do this service for phones bought in China. I first thought they might have misunderstood for service under warranty, but that's not the case here.

In theory I could replace the battery myself if I can acquire the replacement battery and the needed set of tools.

But I want to double-check that the information given to my wife is correct - has anyone else ran into this sort of restriction, with Samsung or other brands?


No results found.


Speaking of potato, what's the favorite kind of street food potato you people have had in Kunming?

There is a strip along Beijing Lu about half-way between Baiyun Lu and North Railway Station, where there are several small eateries (and one big hot pot restaurant) on the west side of road.

One of those small shops sells potato slices which are apparently first cooked in oil, and then finished in another round of oil before being mixed with chili and some other spices.

You can probably find same kind of potato elsewhere in Kunming, at least there is sign outside which has contact number for franchising.

Very delicious, this has become my favorite potato dish in Kunming.

Yeah by "those who have a choice" I was referring to people who could pack up their family and leave the city or even the country if must. Should such people want to report about apparent corruption (would have to be first hand experience I guess) in education system, where would they do it in Kunming?

That restoration project sounds nice. Without knowing the details, it would be an interesting opportunity for the foreign community to do some volunteering, if it ever takes such form where it might be applicable.

