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Forums > Travel Yunnan > Bus from Kunming to Houay Xai

Thanks guys ;)
A chinese friend of mine called the south bus station for me, it seems there is a direct bus to Houay Xai!
However, it would be great to have known before if the ride is comfortable and not too long... we'll see.

Forums > Travel Yunnan > Bus from Kunming to Houay Xai

hi lorena,

I heard about that bus from jinghong to houay xai too, but it seems it doesn't run every day? when did you take it? sounds like a good option too, I'm just wondering if it might be nicer to split the trip and spend the night in luang namtha instead in houay xai, like I did last time. the guesthouse was decent and the food great ;)
when does the border close btw? maybe it's possible to make it in time

Forums > Travel Yunnan > Bus from Kunming to Houay Xai

@mekonkresearcher: yeah, it would be great if you could let me know in a few weeks! We would be there around the beginning of june, do you think you have travelled until then?

Forums > Travel Yunnan > Bus from Kunming to Houay Xai


so did you yourself take that bus from Kunming to Houay Xai yet? I would appreciate any information about it ;) I'm not even sure if it exists...

I already did this journey too, took a bus from Kunming to Jinhong last time, then one from Jinghong to Luang Nam Tha because there was none to Houay Xai, then another one to Houay Xai. I would just like to know if it's possible with one bus, how long it takes, if it is a bumpy ride etc.

Forums > Travel Yunnan > Bus from Kunming to Houay Xai


is it true that there is a direct bus from Kunming to Houay Xai at the Thai border now? Can anybody confirm and let me know the price, when it runs from where, and if it is a comfortable ride?
Also, I'd like to know if it is possible to get tickets on short notice?



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