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Forums > Travel Yunnan > Bus from Kunming to Houay Xai

Little update from me, sorry did this trip already a few weeks ago. So long story short, there are various buses, I saw them on the way, if I'm not wrong some bring you from Kunming to the Laotioan border and beyond, others bring you within a day through Laos.
For those of you who want to travel as fast as possible, go to Jinghong and try to catch an early bus to Laos, as some have written here there are buses who leave Jinghong in the morning, which should get you to Huay Xai/Bokeo (int. bus station) within 8 to 10 hours.
For the final leg of your trip into Thailand, there are some direct buses to Chiang Rai, the last one at 5 PM from Bokeo if I'm not mistaken.
On a side note, information provided is very scarce, I heard the trip from Chiang Mai to Luang Namtha with public buses should be very easy and well advertised at the bus station. But especially the other way, coming from Laos is not that straight forward, so you better start your trip well informed, willing to stay over somewhere if needed and with some extra time.

Forums > Travel Yunnan > Bus from Kunming to Houay Xai

I'm currently on the way to Chiang Khong, but not sure if this is of any help as I make a couple of stops on the way.

It seems that there are buses everywhere but e.g. here in Mengla the bus only leaves every second day (so it's leaving tomorrow but not Thursday when I plan to take it). For Jinghong you might call the Mei Mei Café they can give you excellent travel advisory +86-691-2161221

My advise would be to split the trip, e.g: Kunming - Jinghong & Jinghong - Luang Namtha (maybe 36 hours) in one go, and then from Luang Namtha to Thailand

I'll let you know how my trip went

Forums > Travel Yunnan > Bus from Kunming to Houay Xai

I definitely do it by the end of this month as long as my timetable allows it, otherwise I need to catch a plane to make it in time to Thailand. But if I won't make it I don't see it happen any time soon, as I'm only here for a visit.

Forums > Travel Yunnan > Bus from Kunming to Houay Xai

If you wait for a few weeks I can tell you more. If my timetable allows I plan to visit Sipsongpana and take the bus to Thailand. Jinghong to Chiang Rai should be possible in a day. And also to Chiang Mai or Bangkok should be pretty straight forward as soon as you are I Chiang Khong.


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