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Forums > Living in Kunming > Worth getting TESOL diploma and Acadia TESOL school

I would like to echo the response bluppfisk gave about the Acadia TESOL Academy courses. Poorly delivered course content and structure, jumping around the course textbook with little or no focus. There were wild promises of high paying jobs around the world after graduating through the tutor/director's supposed contacts which came to nothing. Myself and a number of other classmates fell for the continuous lies that were perpetuated and it ended up costing us a lot of wasted time and money. Compulsive liar is probably the nicest thing you can say about the tutor/director of this company.

I believe that the centers in Kunming and Zhuhai have already closed and Hong Kong is not currently running so choosing a course with them might be a moot point. However, do yourself a favor and stay well clear of Acadia TESOL Academy and anybody connected it - the director owes a number of former employees large amounts of money in unpaid wages and cannot be trusted.


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