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Forums > Living in Kunming > Monthly expenses in Kunming

I guess, mmteacher is not a math teacher :-DD
Metro, Pauls and imported goods = 5000kuai per month. Who can eat that much??

Who drinks 3 bottles of beer every night, every day of the month? Alcoholics do, but the rest doesnt...

Another thing. I like to eat honey. Honey from the street vendor 35kuai per jar. Honey from the Chinese honey shop 40kuai. Honey from Carrefour imported goods section 40kuai.
Most of the time I buy imported goods, because I dont trust the Chinese products here. I never buy Chinese milk or dairy and anything else that could contain high levels of chemicals, pesticides... The Chinese government just had to admitt that 60% of the groundwater is severly contaminated as well as two third of its land. You dont need to be a biology teacher to realize that these things will also find its way into your food.
Most of the time Monsieur teacher is speaking of MALE foreigners. Well, he already laid bare his attitude and opinion about women o_O

Forums > Food & Drink > McDonald's

Roberta Schira - journalist and food critic for the major Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera appareantly just wrote a whole book about it.

There are 7 rules on how to judge a gastronomic experience:

"1. Ingredients
Must be the best the market can offer, fresh and of quality.

2. Technique
Must know how to manipulate and transform the ingredients in a dish respecting its essence, tradition and science.

3. Genius
The capacity to transform something that already exists into something new.

4. Equilibrium/Harmony
A sense of harmony within oneself and the world during the culinary experience.

5. Atmosphere
The ensemble of details that makes one utter "I feel good here".

6. Project
Place an idea behind a dish, a place, move forward.

7. Value
What we think is the right compensation for the gastronomic experience."


Forums > Food & Drink > McDonald's

im familiar with those objective principles. My good friend worked in the kitchen of the fat duck (UK) for a couple of years.

There is also the subjective, personal taste. As I said before, the most important thing is whether you like the food or not.

Forums > Food & Drink > McDonald's

Maybe you need to explain to me, why can you argue about food?
It's too salty, too greasy, too expensive, it gives you the runs, it's unhealthy?
In the end, it just comes down to whether you like the food or not.

Forums > Food & Drink > McDonald's

There are two things in life you cannot argue about: Food and religion.

As to me, nothing wrong about Mc Donalds. Of course it's not healthy, but hey most sauces that are used in Chinese restaurants contain even more Msg, artifical flavour, colour, preservatives, including some chemicals forbidden in Europe.
Where and what you want to eat is entirely up to oneself.


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@faraday: Now I see your point about khat. These sort of political decisions happen quite a lot. You never know if they were and to what extend they were influenced by the lobby.

Comming back to the point of discussion. I just believe, that no one has the right to decide who should live and who should be put to death. Especially supporting it by saying everyone should serve a purpose. That's faschist logic. I personnally dont think it's appropriate to say things like that neither in a forum nor in real life whether it's a joke or meant serious.

@faraday: Khat is not harmless. There are a couple of studies from various organizations and from different countries that prove the opposite of what you just said.

And for HFCAMPO: Coming from a country without death penalty and where death penalty is also considered murder, your attitude makes me sick. But hey, only developing countries like Europe, Russia, Ruanda, Ukraine and so on banned the death penalty.
Well at least advanced countries like the States, Yemen, China and North Korea still keep it. And because Europe is not exporting lethal injections to the States anymore, you are even considering using the electric chair again and think it's ok to use some lethal injections without prior testing? As a convict has no right to get a painless death. C'mon even every vet from the countryside can put a dog to sleep...

And how do you define purpose? What about the obese, the sick, the disabled, the old, the homeless? The street children in East Europe and Russia sniffing glue and other things to life on the streets. People esp. women trapped in human trafficking are forced to take drugs to stop them from running away. Ampethamines and crystal meth were given to American, British, German and Japanese soldiers so that they can fight much longer and care less about the risks.
I suggest for next time, just think before you write something. It gets into this mmteacher kind of attitude.

As I said before. You have to be very careful when you use sentence like "Get rid of the demand - just execute all drug users since they serve no purpose in any society."
This statement is inhuman! In my country the freedom of speech ends where human dignity is violated! Millions of people were killed because people said they dont serve any purpose. Shame on you, seriously!

@HFCAMPO: Alcohol and cigarettes are also drugs.

'they serve no purpose in any society' you have to be very careful when you say somehting like that. It's very similar to what some people said between 1933 and 1945 in Germany about certain groups in society!



havent been there in months, because I wasnt too impressed. but some friends and I thought we should give it a try again.
This was definitely the last time we went there... very unfriendly staff who dont pay any attention and the owner asking you whether you cant squeeze in the last slice of pizza when she cleared the table...

About the pizza, very oily and low quality products used for making it