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Forums > Living in Kunming > China has arrested development

GoKunming had until now been relatively free of the racialized divisiveness that poisons so much western discourse, but it looks like @ASatiricalBloke is fixing to put an end to that.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Is Dali fun anymore?

It's interesting how much less believable James' most recent post is compared to its predecessors. It seems like the writer gave up on any semblance of developing an argument and started arbitrarily recycling content from previous posts (along the lines of Bamei's question).

And what new material there is lacks any sense of personality beyond a grinding vulgarity. Whither the James who once summoned us to ponder questions such as "In time like this, with challenge of the moderness, how can weselves stay balance with them run amok and so tomfoolery like this way?"

Maybe the researchers who were testing out the "Miyamoto" and "James" A.I.'s gave up and turned the project over to a distracted undergrad...


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