Forums > Living in Kunming > Teaching in Chenggong - Living by the main campus I live in Chenggong university area. It takes two hours to get to downtown from my univ, which is closer to the centre than Yunnan University. Not much to do here - some restaurants and ktv, night market with cheap clothes, not even one half-decent coffee shop. Fruit is cheaper than in the downtown, but that's the only advantage of living in Chenggong that I can think off.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Best place to find a girlfriend @redjon77 I'm not using dating sites so I might be mistaken, my observations are based only on the gokunming classfieds section. Most of the ads are posted by men looking for an effortless hook-up. Those classfieds reek of desperation and are probably written by men too lazy to put up and hook up with a real girl or too poor to afford a prostitute (call me judgemental, but yeah, that's what I think).
Hahaha a decade ago I was in middle school and I have no idea how online dating looked like back then ;)
Many men (not all!) these days, especially in their twenties and thirties, seem to expect girls to be always ready and willing to have sex, also they don't hesitate to call a girl materialist if she has certain expectations. I'm not talking about money, expensive gifts etc. only about normal dating, a cinema or dinner, a flower from time to time or wearing smart clothes for a date. I've heard some guys complaining that they cannot find a decent girlfriend, but how can they meet one if they don't give anything from themselves?
Forums > Living in Kunming > Best place to find a girlfriend I have to agree with @laotou. 50% of perfect girlfriend is a perfect boyfriend. For example if he cannot come up with an idea for interesting date, good conversation or he shows up looking like a slob (dirty tshirt, greasy hair etc) how can he expect her to be in mood for the second date or sex? And then we get a bunch of people trying to find a girl on the internet cause they cannot score in the real life. If he didn't even put clean clothes on for a date, why would she be a "perfect" girlfriend? Sadly "perfect" more often than not seems to mean "ready to have sex on the first date".
Back to the topic of places, it's easy - wanna meet someone interested in sports talk to girls in a sport club, books - go to a bookstore or library, partying - Kundu and so on.
Forums > Living in Kunming > What if China and America... I've heard that Korean citizens in China were attacked during anti-Japanese protests few years ago. Locals mistook them for Japanese. If (unlikely) China and USA start a war, eventhough I'm not American, I will immediately leave China. However, if China and USA will be at war is there any safe place to go? I don't think so.
Forums > Study > Another Visa thread : Visa extension for students There is one more psb authorized place, where we can get visa pics done: 呈贡公安局大楼便民服务中心,it's on 谊康北路中段.