Forums > Study > Studying in YNNU 2015/16 I'm YNNU student. Usually we have to show up after 25th August and not later than 30th September (if you are a scholarship student e sure to double-check - some scholarships require you to show up before 10th Sep). Classes usually start in the first week of September, depends on the course you're taking, but it's not a problem if you are late. However, I recommend coming to YNNU in the first week of September.
Forums > Study > Studying in YNNU 2015/16 There are two - one is on Yi er yi da jie campus, close to the gate on 建设路 and the other one is on Chenggong campus in the east district, hua wen xue yuan building 1st and 2nd floors.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Chinese are Being Paid to Report Foreigners How many foreigners are really criminals and how many will be reported just for having a foreign face? imo it's all very close to racism and xenophobia
Forums > Living in Kunming > Chinese are Being Paid to Report Foreigners If Chinese police paid for reporting foreigners then all of us would have to at least once a week show up at the police station to proove we are here legally. People are greedy, so a lot of them would just try hard to earn money by reporting any foreinger they see. A lot of extra work for the police and small results.
Forums > Living in Kunming > a English name? I always ask Chinese about their real names when they introduce themselves to me. IMO how can you start a friendship if you don't want to share your given name? Also many Chinese tend to choose exactly the same English names - I've met more people called James, Jane, Candy, Lily, Eric or Claire since I came to Kunming than anywhere else. It is easier for me to remember that my friend is Xiao Li than thinking about him as James no.15. Do you really need and want to have English name?
Foreigners who study Chinese often (always?) have Chinese names. I think it is as ridiculous as giving Chinese English names. My university forces everyone to have a Chinese name rendering all papers signed with this name useless for me, even let's say, my articles published here or my dissertation are not signed with my real name, because school won't accept it, but if I ever need them after leaving China how will I explain that this Xiao Li is in fact me? English name is just a first name, but Chinese name is a combination of a surname and a name, so we also kind of steal family names without giving it any thought. When I first came to Kunming I couldn't even say "nihao", but I had to immediately upon arrival at school choose a Chinese name without even basic knowledge about signs, traditions etc.
My advice is ignore all the mistakes, be happy that people try to remember and pronounce your real name and don't follow this stupid trend to have English name.