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Forums > Living in Kunming > I like foreigners.

Noticed the same about 10 meters from a carrefour toilet yesterday! One of the worst things to do when everyone knows there is a toilet a few seconds away.

Forums > Living in Kunming > I like foreigners.

Like Dude says about Germany is also true in the UK, all people in the UK love moaning about the country lol.

Why do you think China can't have it's complaints, it gets plenty of nice words said about it to but complaints are everywhere!

No one hates China, drop that annoying line, it's all I see from you lol. Why hate china, why hate China blah blah blah.....


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Well if you looking for British food at culinary event you'll be pretty disappointed as I ended up lol
It was the same usual buffet (good as normal) but with a few British selections added and these wasn't the real deal either! Fish & chips were one, consisted of thinly cut pieces of potato plus little bits of cod in soggy batter, deserts were the only good thing with blackberry crumble and bread pudding tasting quite good :) but still more Chinese and Indian selections than British.

All in all a good buffet as usual but not a British culinary buffet by no stretch!

Oh well, still stuffed lol

That 368rmb price has always been the same at the hotel for the buffet whether or not they doing the British promotion, still go once a month as they do a proper moneys worth variety and selection of foods & drinks, got to treat yourself every now and then lol.
Be checking the British one tonight so let you know how it went regarding food quality, in other words was it the real deal, not chinglish grub lol

Will be going to the 'Classic British Culinary Delights' one night to and was thinking the same, please be done as it should!!!
Will be a very happy man if they manage that if not will be in a proper bad mood for getting my hopes up of a little home cooking lol

Can only hope :o)



I went there for a meal this week not expecting to much as I had been let down by every other western food restaurant that I'd tried. But I was surprised and ate a very enjoyable meal with a wide range of selections to choose from. I'm looking forward to going back as it has many Italian favourites of mine on the menu that I'm looking forward to eating :)

Definitely now my favourite western restaurant in Kunming!