Forums > Living in Kunming > Forums are quickly deteriorating Must be a lot of kids if to do with age and maturity of posters as I see nearly everyone on these threads adding a bit of the old one upmanship. From the way people talk of there lives, it seems to be a slightly older stream of people on here contributing.
Among the silly debates some useful info also manages to float to the surface, so no panic they still have value :o)
Forums > Food & Drink > Import foods expanded in C4 Nan Ya Maybe but I have to say I also go most days and it nearly always has an elevator not working, fact! So must be either very lucky to avoid or we mixed up places lol
I do see a lot of broken elevators in kunming just said I dont visit them enough to know whether bad timing or always dodgy :)
My humble opinion on a small matter anyway, I love Kunming and am here for a good few years yet so no need to label me with 'miserable foreigner' group lol
Forums > Living in Kunming > Why do miserable foreigners remain in China? Stay for for the sunny smiles and warm weather :o)
Seriously though, most of the list I could edit it slightly and turn it around on my own home city of London!
Most cities ain't to pretty behind the curtain....
Forums > Food & Drink > Import foods expanded in C4 Nan Ya Well being bad in a lot of places I can only really say for about 50% for nan ya di yi cheng on dianchi lu, that shopping centre is always full of broken elevators.
They seem to be on rotation which ones are broken lol
Forums > Living in Kunming > Why do miserable foreigners remain in China? @HFCAMPO Your plan just seems a great way to stoke up an arguement lol
Delays plague Zheng He treasure ship launch
发布者Sounds like a typical construction project here in China, why the surprise lol Though saying that it's definitely a comical project!
Fundraiser: Helping out with impossible medical bills
发布者Head over that way next week, make sure I'll be adding to it, someone with a self determination coming from that background is hard to find!
Report: Kunming police fire shots on Wenlin Jie
发布者My threats bigger than your threat type actions, expect to see more!
This ain't back home lol as somebody thieving an ebike back home wouldn't make the local newspaper never mind being a big story :)
Report: Kunming police fire shots on Wenlin Jie
发布者Yeah with the cameras on street I would of thought that tracking which way they going should of been simple! Works similar way in other cities worldwide.
Kunming police now permitted to carry sidearms
发布者Wow at the location on film most days, glad to have missed the trouble!
Think they need to know can't just shoot in any situation......