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Forums > Food & Drink > Dai Minority Cuisine

I'd like to to know about dai food seems as we talking in the food & drink section here and not about what bores us in life!

Seen it mentioned few times lately and though I've been here about 8 month now I don't actually know what it is :o)
Probably me being stupid as maybe something I've eaten loads but any explanations?

Forums > Food & Drink > Best Kunming Milkshake

Easy to make yourself even if you haven't got a blender, just mash up the fruit, add milk (plus ice cream if your thing) and hey presto :)
With the blender they come out perfect though as always doing myself a banana milkshake lol


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They have some kind of festival going on in the yunnan minorities village near Dianchi lake tonight, passed by and see quite a lot of people wearing little headdresses :o)



I went there for a meal this week not expecting to much as I had been let down by every other western food restaurant that I'd tried. But I was surprised and ate a very enjoyable meal with a wide range of selections to choose from. I'm looking forward to going back as it has many Italian favourites of mine on the menu that I'm looking forward to eating :)

Definitely now my favourite western restaurant in Kunming!