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Forums > Living in Kunming > GoKM Saying and Doing

You can never really get rid of the rat infestation in some places. No matter how many times you try, they'll pop back up again leaving their s**t everywhere ;)

Give it up and create an account that you want to use properly rather than just to attack/troll.

Forums > Living in Kunming > I like foreigners.

you were only supposed to blow the BLEEDING doors off!

@debaser A correction bit slow to point out :) 'bleeding' wasn't in the quote for the Italian job, it was 'you were only supposed to blow the BLOODY doors off!'. Never really hear anyone saying 'bleeding' in the UK, always 'bloody'.


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They have some kind of festival going on in the yunnan minorities village near Dianchi lake tonight, passed by and see quite a lot of people wearing little headdresses :o)



I went there for a meal this week not expecting to much as I had been let down by every other western food restaurant that I'd tried. But I was surprised and ate a very enjoyable meal with a wide range of selections to choose from. I'm looking forward to going back as it has many Italian favourites of mine on the menu that I'm looking forward to eating :)

Definitely now my favourite western restaurant in Kunming!