The western pharmaceutical industry has a very hard time penetrating the Chinese market.
Chinese people reject artificial and chemical based medicine. In addition more and more proven Chinese medicine finds its way into the western world nowadays simply because some are miracle drugs.
For this reason, just like in the 20th century, what they did in Europe and the USA, a number of western pharmaceutical companies is spreading again fear and lies about natural TCM. And those lies can simply be unproven and ungrounded. Why? Because they can tell lies as long as they are in their own media outlets (anyone can put stuff online). If they appear in true scientific magazines and articles, they need to show proof and some need to be double-checked before being published. Anyone can tell lies, anyone likes to tell lies about someone else's products. Especially when it's about earning a lot of money.
Yet, hypocritically a number of the products these western companies sell are concentrated TCM but in capsules, tablets or pills.
Yes, I agree and also believe there is contamination to a certain extend among the TCM herbs sold in China and those exported. But I believe the "lower" quality is exported rather than the higher quality. Plus there are all the taxes, duties, etc. So yes, they'll choose the cheapest of the lot (that's what most companies do).
Foreigners don't pay the same prices Chinese do for high-grade herbs.
That's why some herbs and plants cost more than gold (literally).
But here is what they conveniently forgot to mention: you can prove "toxicity" of something which is naturally not toxic. But how to prove and describe "toxicity" on something which is a toxic itself?
I mean, why would anyone say their own product is bad?
There lies the simple problem. Many western medicine is often a toxic or an artificially produced product and has a list of side-effects the size of a book.
This is caused by the need to monetize on a certain medicine within a specific time. After this the medicine becomes "public" and anyone can (re-)produce this. That's why aspirin is soo incredibly cheap nowadays. It's past its single ownership period.
To monetize faster on a certain medicine, western medicine is required by their companies and investors to treat many different illnesses with the same single product rather than only 1 illness. However, the more illnesses it treats, the longer the list of side-effects tends to become.
In contrast to TCM which treats only 1 or a very few illnesses (as it is designed to only treat something specific by a doctor), the list of side-effects is much shorter.
As TCM usually take a longer time to work and change / heal your body, if your body rejects it, you often won't get "hit" as hard as with western medicine.
Now you wonder, why do they put a ton of other TCM herbs in there too? Well, that's simple: with western medicine only focusing on the treatment of the illness, Chinese medicine focuses also on reducing side-symptoms, side-effects and allowing your body to easier absorb and digest the medicine. Not by giving it a nicer taste (it absolutely sucks and reeks), but simply by helping control any condition arising from the treating medicine and above all any condition which arose from your illness in the first place.
I.e. if you have a lung condition you may not just have a lung condition. Your chest might hurt, you may have skin irritation as your body works harder to heal / maintain your lungs' capacity, you may have difficulty breathing and you may have a change in blood-pressure. If it hurts a lot you may be more frequently irritated and have a reduced patience. (just some ideas).
The western medicine might be aimed solely at treating your lungs, but doesn't make your recovery easier or help your body help the recovery.
However, the price you pay for TCM herbs is indeed very overpriced. (Just like some medicine in the USA :) The price you actually pay here is for the doctor. Do you think he'll be happy with a couple yuan? That's just the "consulting fee", not his payment.
Lijiang vendors strike, protesting old town entry fee
发布者The moment something is registered as UNESCO, the place is leached. UNESCO and government both take part of the pot. Never expected to pay $16 to see a ruin that wasn't even maintained with unsafe pathways (not Lijang). UNESCO, just like UNICEF are UN progams, so just do the math. 49.9% for one, 49.9% for the other, 0.1% for the safety-ribbon, and 0.1% for the water-based paint.
Wanda opens 15 billion yuan Yunnan resort
发布者This article needs a serious correction. Wanda is owned by the Chinese government, run semi-privately and invested in by shareholders, investment groups and also the government.
Wang Jianlin is rich and he is the chairman. He is not the owner and it's not "his empire".
Burmese soldiers reportedly killed near Chinese border
发布者Waste of space argument. Please delete all the above argument for all our sakes. Thanks for your consideration.
Kunming researchers map superfood DNA
发布者Hear hear. It's indeed a nice thing for food and food supplements.
If you're interested in trying the highest quality food supplements (including Moringa), contact me. Our new state of the art laboratory and factory work together with Yunnan University and local governments in developing the purest quality food supplements.
China massively scales back fracking plans
发布者Frack that!
(Reminds me of the Battlestar Galactica series)