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Forums > Living in Kunming > Apartment/neighborhood suggestions for NE 2nd ring

Hello! I am hoping to get some advice or suggestions on apartments in the Xiao Zhuang motorway interchange and bai Yun rd. area. Anywhere around the North East area of 2nd ring rd. or north railway station, maybe even a little bit outside 2nd ring?

Any information about neighborhoods or apartment experiences in that area would be super helpful. Newer places maybe? I'm open and hopeful for suggestions.

Thanks in advanced!

Forums > Food & Drink > 3 days in Kunming, desperate for Western food.

Howdy. The Irish Pub has the best burgers in Yunnan if not China. mmmm... the chili bacon cheese burger is the best. Totally AWEsome and worth checking out.. The Green Lake Hotel friday buffet used to have seafood on it and it was really awesome although it was pricey. Salvadors is closed until Monday the 5th but their deluxe quesadillias are great. Cacao just got new management/cooks but it still offers some pretty yummy mexican food, I recommend their quesadillias as well. The burritos are small but good... the guacomole is pricey and a bit watery. Lost Garden pizza is much better than Slice of Heaven in my opinion. I really like The Silver Spoon down from the Irish Pub as well.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Scuba Dive Certifications in Kunming? best dive spots in asia?

howdy, was planing a trip to Thailand and was wondering if I could get the scuba diving certification somewhere here in kunming in a pool or something to save time while I am there. If anyone has any information or perfect scuba spots in thailand they'd like to share about that would be awesome. Thanks in advanced!


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