Kunming Mao Livehouse is fake unfortunately. No affiliation. Kind of like the Salvadors in Kaiyuan. Still, I would really love to see some good bands come to town. Preferably in a bar, rather than at some shitty beer-sponsored 'festival.' (I have some issues, I know)
Went in today to ask for a Q2 visa (I'm not married, but my Chinese girlfriend wrote me an invitation letter) The guy seemed pretty cool with that and her hukou photocopies, but then said that they can't give a Q2 visa inside the country. Outside no problem, he says. This is bullshit no?
Anyway, I asked for a tourist extension and that's all good, but the new rule about applying for extensions 7 days before it ends doesn't seem to apply in Kunming. They told me to come back when my current one finishes not to lose days.
The Q2 visa says it applies to foreigners visiting Chinese Nationals. Suppose I want to visit my Chinese fiancé, to prepare for our big day. That is true, but do you think that would fly?
If so, wouldn't everybody with a Chinese friend just ask them to invite them in and get 6 months no hassle?