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Forums > Living in Kunming > Living in Yunnan

@natsymir If there is sunlight i think i will not be depressed. I come from a 280 people town. LOL

And the closest town is only 10,000 people town, but the lack of sun is deffinately more depressing than the lack of people.

About the Communist structures of the houses, i don't care too much about it.

I believe is gonna be a good change for me :)

Forums > Study > Yunnan uniervisity Phone number

I am trying to connect with the Yunnan university phone number but when i call they say that Yunnan has been upgraded to more digits

and i must add a 6 somewhere in the phone number.

But it just doesn't come through

Any i idea?

Forums > Living in Kunming > Living in Yunnan

Well it was not pouring down, but it was raining. Everything was wet everywhere. I was last August.

Am not saying you don't, i am only saying i god a bad feeling about the city. That's all.


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i was there and they were really kind to me as i was a little worried.

You can take an hiv test for 5 or 20 kuai.

No need to show your passport :)