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Forums > Living in Kunming > the second thing-language issue

@The Dudeson's
1.- The decay of the languages. I don't have much to say to what you said. It is actually true that i cant do that i have done... but it is a fact that there are many languages dying out and it is predict to get even worse soon.

2.- Demanding some skills of international communication could get you to live in a bubble. If you demand this, there will be no need for a foreigner to learn the Kunming hua. No need = die out.
I met a chinese girl two days ago, she could speak a word of Tibetan (with Tibetan origins) and she wanted to learn english... ok, i guess this is what we call development. Anyway, i found this blog interesting.


1.- Euskara :) www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxy3KjpHci4
It is uncertain whether it is or not the oldest language in Europe. But actually it is a good candidate for that. Many mountains, rivers, valleys in Europe are called with a Basque based name. Basque or the family language it comes from which hasnt been related yet.

2.- There is no need to know Euskara to live in the Basque Country. I have lived in a country with an notorius diglosia and Spanish(or french) being the second most spoken language in the world has lots of influence.

Political issue, globalization, inmigration... oh well...

I am aware that there is a movement to get chinese minority languages documented (like yi language in south of sichuan and all over yunnan)... just hope chinese goverment doesnt disturb too much into this, otherwise minority languages will only remain as folklorikal dances like the ones you can see in the green lake. Mabye a couple of other folklorikal stuff also be added to the dances...

Basque language now lives a moment where there are many agents trying to reinforce the language... i believe that learning the local language should be more important than just a hobbie.

but anyway maybe this is only my point of view.

if anyone can understand spanish, this video is fucking weacked! www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovIl5FSDy4k

Forums > Living in Kunming > the second thing-language issue

And yeah... i don't know if you know but not so long ago, in all the regions of France they had they own languages.

They can speak perfect french but they have no CLUE about minority languages... not even how to say hello in the languages spoken in the state of FRANCE.

No idea about the history in what they call their land... i guess it is only lack of knowledge.

Please @culture, stop being so self centered.

Just want to point out that yesterday when i was in the plain to get to china, a chinese couple was talking in english to their kid. I couldnt believe my eyes when i could hear the couple talking in chinese between them and english to their kid.

I guess @culture that you will not have problems communicating with this kid.

Sometimes i wish i never really learned English.

Forums > Living in Kunming > the second thing-language issue

@culture I don't know if you are aware that 10 languages die every year in the world, that makes 200 languages in 20 years (were you alive 20 years ago?)

in few years time even languages that nowadays are considered to be strong are going to dissapeare.

I fight my live to keep alive the oldest language in Europe, and believe it is not an easy job.

I consider myself a militant of this language... only to see your words... how selfish all your speech is printed with... You come to a land, and you should take what is it given. If you are lucky, accept and give thanks for being talked in puntonhua, and if not... you may be asking them to talk to you in english as it is the International language.

I am so sorry but this topic hurts me a lot.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Sick of Kunming?

I come from dull Chengdu and reading people that complain about air quality in Kunming makes me feel weird.

In Chengdu you can hardly see the sun, and once you see it you know it will not last long and there is nothing to do.

I feel Kunming air quality is not the best in the world but is reasonable considering we are in China. I feel so lucky to live here :)

The lack of water is annoying but ladies and gentlemen, this is what we will suffer in the early future all around the world. So lets get use to it :)


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i was there and they were really kind to me as i was a little worried.

You can take an hiv test for 5 or 20 kuai.

No need to show your passport :)