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Forums > Living in Kunming > Tupperwares

Is it the right word in english? tupperware!

I am collecting all the plastic tupperwares that end up at home somehow. Sometimes i ask for delivery, other times for dabao... i clean them and then i dont know what to do, so...

Is there any restaurant of coffe shop or (whatever) willing to accept all those plastics boxes so they can Reuse it?

I am affraid that if i go to any noodles restaruant or whatever and i give them they will just throw them away.

I am aware that reusing those tuppers is not the Best way to keep this world clean... but at least, if someone can reuse them again, it will delay the time that those plastics craps end up in the ocean.

I will personally take them to the Restaurant that wants to accept them.

I dont know if this has to be said but i am not selling anything... Just want someone to reuse something that can be reused!


Forums > Study > Smone willing to share a teacher?

I will start some private chinese classes and i was wondering if anyone would be interested in sharing the same teacher so we can save some money.

I would be taking hsk4 soon.

Send me a message if you are interested

if we are able to make it, it would be 45 rmb each (90rmb in total) for 90 minutes. Which i think it is fair enough :)

Let me know, J.

Forums > Living in Kunming > no party in kunming?

My previous link was wrong:

i think that people here need this song XD www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfVRQbzHjBg

@Zoe, just ignore all this negative messages. The reality is that most of girls and boys here have an stereotyped point of view about everything, and if people here is not willing to accept it... best to do is ignoring it.


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i was there and they were really kind to me as i was a little worried.

You can take an hiv test for 5 or 20 kuai.

No need to show your passport :)