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Forums > Living in Kunming > Missing Home... Euskal Herria!

I love living in Kunming, but today is one of those days which i wish i was back home with my people.

Is gonna be a historical day in my country and a protest march will happen today..

Gora Euskal Herria! We are fighting against Spain and France, and their lack of democracy. We are claiming our rights as citizens, And i just wanted to share with all of you that today is gonna be a huge scenario in Bilbao.

Check some videos about Tantaz tanta: here is one in english:


Forums > Living in Kunming > Tupperwares

Well, i have learned a lot today about plastic. I watched the full documentary and when it was at the last minute i realized that i have a plastic lip piercing wearing it for the last 10 years (not the same one but always plastic). I am lucky somehow because if i ever want to have a kid i wouldn't dear to bring a biological kid.

To be honest i was not thinking about humans health at all. I was more focused on the phisical trash on earth...


Shyam, according to what you said about the poor people. Yes, that would be in the actual political situation based on economy. That's why i said, it is another topic. I completly understand your point...but oh well. Thanks that i was borned in a kind of OK european country and i got an education blah blah and is not me the one that is doing that job (just being sarcastic).

Then what do i do with this containers and my piercing? LOL I will think of it tomorrow... good night.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Tupperwares

Shyam, thank you for the information. I didnt know about it.

Recycled? or down recycled (turn the "ok"quality plastic into a lower quality plastic)?

i must admit i don't know much about the recycle system in china but i do know what countries like mine do.

We give it to other countries(not gonna mention them, LOL) so they can recycle it... It ends up into a down reclycling system and finally into someone else's garden or at the ocean. Only a really small porcent gets fully recycled.

I am not blaming anyone or complaining about it...just the way we do it (Europeans)

I know that there is not much to do right now, there is lot's of money going on and as an individual little power to change some stuff. But my goal with this post is not so much about Recycling...it is about REUSING.

Reduce (individual choices)

Reuse (eeeeeeeeeeee sometimes it is reallly difficult to resuse some stuff)


I am trying to find someone to collaborate in the second step (Reuse) with all the plastic containers that i have at home BEFORE going through the recycling process which will end up happening.

I dont know but.. If you ever have been into a chinese 烧烤 i guess you wouldnt mind to use the same plastic container that has been used and CLEANED by people collaborating into this.

I wonder if i am just dreaming on a cleaner world LOL but somehow kills me inside to see how easy plastic comes into my house and also goes...

One Last thing: maybe this sounds weird...but this time i am not thinking that much into the poor people getting some money. That should be institutional competence and not so much ours... but that's another topic.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Tupperwares

Yankee00 i have no clue whethere it is healthy to reuse those containers... but we drink from plastic water every day which who knows where have they been and what conditions.

Thanks for your proposal about taking my own container whenever i want to daobao. I do that many times :) but still...

I a resisting myself of throwing them into the "recycling" garbage. And i hope i find a way to solve this issue.

If anyone knows about any NGO that works on this matter...

Forums > Living in Kunming > Tupperwares

I now the option of recycling... which i dont realy believe on it... plastickills.org/

And well if WE can reuse some stuff before getting into this unhelathy process (recyling)... this is the whole point of my post here.

I am slowlly changing my point of view... and i guess we have to collaborate against many things. LEGAL or ILLEGAL, but the harm we are doing to the planet is just too high.

So that's why i ask if any restaurant is willing to accept this...

Instead of saying good luck (i understand is good luck to me) i would say—》good luck to us!

or maybe 我在做梦。。。i am just trying


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i was there and they were really kind to me as i was a little worried.

You can take an hiv test for 5 or 20 kuai.

No need to show your passport :)