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Forums > Study > HSK5 oriented school

Hi everybody! My goal is to pass HSK5.

Right now i guess i have poor hsk4 (i dont mean hsk4 is a poor level, what i want to say is that it wouldn't be that easy for me to pass the hsk4) level so i would like to study for just for that.

Is there any private school that could help me with the visa in KM?

And if it is not way too expensive i will be really happy :)

I am kind of sick of talking about weddings in university lessons.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Living in Yunnan

Well i said depressing because it was raining for 16 hours non stop and it was kinda foggy. So i was a little bit disappointed, but i must say i didn't stay long enough!

One day and a half, or less i don't remember very well.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Living in Yunnan

Thank you all!!

I was checking Xiamen, Qingdao and Dalian cities before i took a train to kunming from shanghai last summer. I declined those options because i could predict it was gonna be damn boring and some chinese boys adviced me it was not gonna be as clean as i would expect.

So i guess i will stick for Kunming.

I will pack all my things and i will take a train tomorrow, unless my friend (she is also not sure what to do) needs some more days to think about where to go.

I am kind of ashamed to say that i am Caucasian. I wish multicultural education reaches China Soon.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Living in Yunnan

Hi everybody!

I am a Basque guy thinking about moving to Yunnan, but i am not sure where.

Last summer i decided to move from Shanghai because it was so polluted and also because learning Chinese was really difficult.

I took a train to kunming to check the city. I spent two days in the city and i felt it was more polluted and a very sad city. But after meeting some people they explained me that August was the rainning month in Kunming and that fact makes the city not so beautiful as in the rest of the year.

I also checked Chengdu and due to the Gay life i decided to stay in Chengdu.

But the pollution is way too heavy for me here and i dont know whether to go to kunming or Dali to keep on with my Chinese studies. I am a single gay guy and to be honest i get extremealy bored in straight clubs with all those boys that i cant touch LOL

Bein gay in china is kind of boring, and i move from chengdu because of the pollution, but i dont want to die of boremdoness in Dali or kunming.

I guess Kunming has a bigger gay live than Dali, but i still have this feeling of a sad city, so i am a little bit confused.

In anycase, i LOVE hiking and maybe for a semester i could forget about my sexual life. If people here could advice me about any CLEAN (blue sky) in yunnan.

My preferences would be something like

Having some mountains around, a kind of exciting gay life (utopic in china... but at least some choices) and If i could get some easy part time job as a teacher or anything. That would be amazing.

Thank you for reading and i hope that someone can tell me something :)

Forums > Study > Studying Chinese degree in Kunming

About Jiaotong Univeristy in Shanghai i have to say that my best friend in china though it was a really bad place to study.

We both have been studying Chinese in Shanghai and then we decided to move to Chengdu. When the semester was over, he said that SWUFE was a much better university on the goal to learn Chinese.

I really think Shanghai is not the best place to study Chinese.


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i was there and they were really kind to me as i was a little worried.

You can take an hiv test for 5 or 20 kuai.

No need to show your passport :)