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Forums > Food & Drink > Bar/Rest base on the Feng shui discipline

Recently i have been twice to a vegetarian restaurant close to nanpingjie.

It is a buffet (20 kuai per person). After having dinner with some friends i could feel how peaculf everything was... and i decided to ask to the waiter whether there was some feng shui on the rest. He said the rest was build in that discipline.

I just wonder if anyone know places based on this system.

pd> i don't want to say the restaurant as i don't want to be consider as spam. Can i post the address and name? let me know and i will edit this entry.

Forums > Food & Drink > Arabic food

Yes... any would do...

Greek restaurante also would do...

Egiptian food or turkish... i am not too picky XD

Forums > Food & Drink > Arabic food

Sorry if i didnt use the best word to classify people.

The world is huge and even if we try, it is difficult to respect everything.

just my apologies if i offended anyone.

In any case, i would really like to eat arabic food in all senses.

i have only been to Marocco, and i didnt really have the chance to discover their gastronomy...and i thought that maybe someone around here knows a place in kunming.

dianping.com is a food review website. Yankee00 got it right.


No results found.




i was there and they were really kind to me as i was a little worried.

You can take an hiv test for 5 or 20 kuai.

No need to show your passport :)