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Forums > Living in Kunming > Air Quality!!! Kunming Not So Good.

Its really bad out there. I live on wenhua xiang and looking out the window, i can barely see buildings more than a few blocks away. The hills which i can normally see very clearly are gone. Ive never seen it this bad before in my year of living here.

Forums > Food & Drink > What types of oils in the jugs of here?

Ive been here for awhile, but I still cant establish what kinds of oil the jugs of cooking oil consist of. You know the huge cartons with the yellowish colored oil for cooking? I cant read chinese well enough yet to be able to read the ingredients. Is it sunflower oil or palm oil or something?

Forums > Living in Kunming > Bringing Pets from Overseas

Did you ever manage to bring your dog from the US? I am currently living in kunming and trying to do the same thing but i also have not found consistent information as to the best and cheapest way of doing so that will keep my pup out of quarantine.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Big Dog Crackdown Arrived yet?

Wow, 12000 rmb per month? Thats really a lot. If I fed my dog a natural diet itd be significantly cheaper. I dont plan to stay in China forever. Maybe only a year. The reason I initially came was because Im a chinese language and literature major...you cant pick up chinese by simply reading books though. Its absolutely impossible. I didnt come here to escape, I came to get my chinese to a high enough proficiency that I can finish my BA. I have one year left on it. Right now however, being a musician in Kunming is awesome. We just got a band going and are getting a lot of work. Thats the main reason we want to stay longer; continue mastering chinese and developing ourselves as musicians. I would have to cut both of those things short if i leave china, but i will have to if I cant bring my dog here.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Big Dog Crackdown Arrived yet?

Life is great in the US if you have lots of money or a masters degree unless you get really lucky. If youre not one of those people, youre gonna be working long hours to barely scrape by. I lived in Minnesota.


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Well according to my chinese friends the bans didn't work and everyone still has these large dogs so my point stands. There are bad breeders all over the world, doesn't mean breed bans are effective ways of preventing there from being dangerous dogs due to poor training. Btw, almost any dog that has bad training can be retrained to be good. But whatever, my opinion doesn't even matter anyways. China does as China does and rightly so.

Lemon that's a bunch of false info, i've had dogs people called aggressive my whole life and they're sweet dogs. most people wanna raise dogs well but don't know how. community education programs would be awesome, or having people apply for permits to own these dogs instead of banning. i don't get why the muzzle law wasn't enough, no dog can bite w a muzzle on. china has a right to do as it wishes it just sucks for people like me with a german shepherd service dog, now i have to either live way outside the city or a small town somewhere if i wanna move back. i can't live without my dog.

Dandare, there is nothing particularly dangerous about these dogs. that is why breed bans literally don't work. any dog can be made aggressive if abused. that's why it's important to educate people on how to raise dogs instead of banning breeds. small dogs are actually a lot more aggressive than large breeds.

well guess moving back to kunming isn't an option then. wow. people should be able to apply for permits to own the banned dogs. german shepherds are some of the most docile, family friendly dogs there are.

does anyone have an update on this? did they actually crack down? i'm considering moving back to kunming and have two dogs, one is a gsd mix. i can't risk him being hurt. i considering moving to the outskirts of the city or something



I just got back from this hospital and I was very pleased. I showed up in the middle of the night throwing up uncontrollably and was helped immediately. They diagnosed me and brought me to a very nice room. Cozy, 120 channels and even a little attached bathroom. The place is super clean and I thought the staff was very helpful, although due to me showing up in the middle of the night there was no translators. I speak decent chinese so between that and the doctors using pleco on their phones we were able to communicate just fine. i was put on an IV. The following morning their translator was there and she was incredibly sweet and helpful as well. I would definitely recommend this place if you have anything you need. Its clean, friendly, modern, and in my opinion for all the crap I ended up deciding to do, very reasonably priced. Only thing is that I wish I couldve used my insurance as I am covered through it internationally, but the process was too complicated and i decided to just go the cash route.


Just got back from this place. We paid for a cab out there because it had such good reviews, and to be honest we were a bit disappointed. We are huge indian food fanatics and have had a huge range of authentic indian, and this stuff seemed more like a chinese attempt at indian and for the price wasnt worth it. The naan was dry and so thin and brittle that it was more like crackers. The main dishes were medium sized, but were extremely watered down. The meat was coarse and tough to chew, and the vegetables were not thoroughly cooked. It also took us almost 50 minutes to get our food. their redeeming factor was their veggie samosas; they were delicious and very flavorful. Crunchy outside, soft inside. The staff was also very friendly. Overall, if I were to recommend an indian restaurant, i would recommend Cacaja on wenlinjie instead. We have been there 6+ times and found the food to always be very high quality, and the prices are exactly the same as Saramati. I suppose theres a chance they were training in all new cooks or something at saramati and thats why the food wasnt that good, who knows. I just know I was disappointed for having gone out there when I couldve gone to Cacaja instead, especially since we paid such high prices for low quality food.