ja, maybe we can fly to the moon and to the sun yin soma pagan ritual.
i tend to think moon and sun can attract dead souls
ja, maybe we can fly to the moon and to the sun yin soma pagan ritual.
i tend to think moon and sun can attract dead souls
ja, there is a church where i liked to zone, but it is not on the main entrance
for internet, i dont know why people are so fascinated with their phones and such. the numbers of brainwashing commercials, the apps they install freely on ur device, the cookies that spot you, etc..., make me feel internet is mostly money orientated, has no thought about ecology nor privacy
though i think he is partly right
my wife has not gone back home for around 5 years.
i should have figured out, since beginning she liked disappear and hide
but, hell, po li tica l sacrifice is like this. 5 10 15 20 25 30 years are nothing. u need lifelong
everything animal friendly of course.
myself i boycott such practices as battery eggs
ok la, thank you, i have sent them email, hope they have official translator chinese/french
any other ideas ?
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Yunnan's Manhu band storming international charts
发布者Good songs and atmosphere.
Love song may sound bizarre to unexperimented ears.
Let us protect minority people rights !
Scientists "99 percent" certain SARS originated in Yunnan bats
发布者dolphin: ok, animal exploitation as cause of sars transmission was my memory from the time, as i were in china.
now it seems they link the animal transmission to civet, which i guess are used in poor conditions, yes?
From student to sculpture artist: 20 years in Yunnan with Matti Dubee
发布者i remember him as a cool guy... keep art alive instead of money! yes?
Scientists "99 percent" certain SARS originated in Yunnan bats
发布者wao, interesting epistemology guys! make me wanna come back shangri la and talk with you about deep philosophy drunk...
to get back to sars and bats, one must not forget that 1 reason of the spread of the deadly disease was the horrible life conditions of industry animals, which are denied most hapiness and freedom rights
Tourist arrest in Yunnan underscores larger national problem
发布者this is the classical hungry ghost problem: fulfilll my desires or i ll b violent...
hungry ghosts are "me" in om mani pedme hung, just before "hung", hell beings...