@alex, r u sure haagen daz is nonviolent with.the cows they use the milk with?
dont they force bulls and cows into artificial insemination? dont they divide parents and kids? etc...
@alex, r u sure haagen daz is nonviolent with.the cows they use the milk with?
dont they force bulls and cows into artificial insemination? dont they divide parents and kids? etc...
i would have loved to come and discuss mo yan and his expressions on history but poet gf first!
if any1 has a copy to spare afterward, please let me know!
o m mari pe meiyou
pro dyonysos/daonusoha philosophya?/?
state market economic entity...
would you mind explaining a bit more alien? for instance, who owns the company:federal state, regional entities/ how are workers related to decision?
in the case of kunming buses i guess is not federal state has direct ownership... then the city?
and in general what types of ownerships exist in modern china...
138rmb is VERY expensive
anyone would have a copy to spare? i am totally broke. interested by the topic of the book but disgusted by the capitalist price
so are they public companies? what system of ownership is that? do workers have a right in decisions like in anarchist cooperatives?
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Li Ping fundraiser
发布者I dont think bbq sausages are good idea, specially for medical problem
Yunnan's Party Secretary lays out vision for the future
发布者Right, seeing how they throw trash on every piece of land (take a walk at university garden to see future prospects), makes me think they are not from this planet as they not even respect the land they were born in.
But westerners are kind of same.
I have no clear idea about water project but i am afraid it will attract bad luck to steal water from kham holy places.
1000 kms is like taking water from rhine to clean the mediterannee
How bad is Kunming's air?
发布者jaja bhutan had bad king they need b peacefully liberated (or protected)
for future prediction, according Timaeus by Plato (which i do not defend), when it is fire problem, mountain people are more in danger
in my opinion, people bring themselves bad luck and natural disasters with their consumer and destructive behaviour
do not create suffering ! end all suffering !
How bad is Kunming's air?
发布者Nope, it is a working hypothesis.
But i do believe in metempsychosis.
When i see how some dont give a shit about pollution i really wonder if they belong to this planet.
For instance, in my homeland, seeing the level of pollution of atmosphere and water, i now call them vasktitans.
How bad is Kunming's air?
发布者Is not only air pollution is water and earth pollution. The road from km to dali is piled with rubbish on the side.
What makes me think, in a metempsychosis hypothesis, is that many polluters, west and east, are not from this planet and dont mind trying kill it.