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Forums > Living in Kunming > Google services no longer working

Ja, anyway i think this internet thing is bit messy. Download towns of commercials, always need a new version of something.

I dont feel they think much about ecology or providing a good service. They use band... so you will soon need to buy an expensive new computer.

This might not be related only to capitalism

Forums > Living in Kunming > Local punk zone (Lp z)

Nagas, do not exist, probably, so they dont have anything to do with punk (probably).

As for earthakes, they do exist, but it seems people cannot predict or feel them. I think is possible to prefeel them, but not a priority. Tough a big one might happen soon in kunming...

Gutt gluck

Forums > Food & Drink > Burger King

Achso, do they use artificial insemintion to get their meats and dairies ?

How is the ethics for animals in burger king all in all.

Why dont you discuss this question ?

Forums > Living in Kunming > Local punk zone (Lp z)

I forgot to quote two entities !

Lingling, un vieux keupon, an old punk, still zoning around !

Nagas (tib:lu), that some say to influence earthakes, but they probably dont exist... Mei shi...

Forums > Living in Kunming > Local punk zone (Lp z)

I have been spending quite long time in the zone or in the street, so i think that would be interesting we discuss on gok the Kunming punk zone.

When I first settled here ten years ago to join our shaolin master, Venerable Shi Yanzhou, I was surprised there was already a little punk zone. That time I hanged a lot with Didier, Chuck and Nick, whom I loved the vegetarian and hippie spirits. Veget Aryan i sm has always been important to punks, who often live with ani mals such as rats and dogs and that is one reason I like their, say, music which in that way inherits a bit the hippies and ancient orphist Greeks.

I think maybe that spirit to think about animals is kept bit alive in china which also inherits from the budist Indian foreign tradition.

Among the band I saw at that time was the subs from Beijing, though our sub gy was not present. It is funny because once I was studying Chinese in paris university I wanted go a record shop nearby where I never go but which that day had fliers for the subs from Beijing !!! I went see them, there were quite a few cnt people if I remember well, the anarchist student and trade union.
Submissio is a funny topic to raise among punk girls such as suicide girls. I think it is a fact that there is a tendency towards submission among the anarchists, who often do sm shows or parties such as la nuit elastique. But maybe is more because sm than submission. Ask our subs if u see them! Locally I think there is not much of this for different reasons we may wonder abot.

Ten years after, I am still with my master but our sub disappeared with three thousand renminbi, the scene is still present, there are even more haircuts. I understand that due to local conditio, alternative life style is seen as a way to change society. Though, I think that changes could be deeper if there were some conditio observed. A main one, in my opinion, is that there is real solidarity among members of the zone, starting with having real and stable friendships, enacting compassion to end suffering of our comrades. I didn't always have that feeling of solidarity, felt sometimes some are quick to exclude. Just to get wasted do not crete, in my opinion, true solidarity and search for pleasures, for instance sexuals, might bring more dependency and egotism than liberation.

Other negative factors might be the frequent fights. I myself had to face some, being myself attacked or trying to stop some fights, and I really dislike that. For people pretending to practice wushu this seems insane and far from the spirit of shaolin, wudang or nonviolence of Maatma Gandhi.

Last negative factor I wood like to state, for enough of my rambling, might be sexual relations without love. In my opinion it is important that lifelong relations b established. U might imagine not keeping same boyfriend all ur life, but I think is important keep friendship trough life. This way a harmonios, stable and strong society might happen.

So, what is ur take?


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Li Ping fundraiser


I dont think bbq sausages are good idea, specially for medical problem

Right, seeing how they throw trash on every piece of land (take a walk at university garden to see future prospects), makes me think they are not from this planet as they not even respect the land they were born in.

But westerners are kind of same.

I have no clear idea about water project but i am afraid it will attract bad luck to steal water from kham holy places.

1000 kms is like taking water from rhine to clean the mediterannee

jaja bhutan had bad king they need b peacefully liberated (or protected)

for future prediction, according Timaeus by Plato (which i do not defend), when it is fire problem, mountain people are more in danger

in my opinion, people bring themselves bad luck and natural disasters with their consumer and destructive behaviour

do not create suffering ! end all suffering !

Nope, it is a working hypothesis.

But i do believe in metempsychosis.

When i see how some dont give a shit about pollution i really wonder if they belong to this planet.

For instance, in my homeland, seeing the level of pollution of atmosphere and water, i now call them vasktitans.

Is not only air pollution is water and earth pollution. The road from km to dali is piled with rubbish on the side.

What makes me think, in a metempsychosis hypothesis, is that many polluters, west and east, are not from this planet and dont mind trying kill it.
