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Forums > Living in Kunming > aikido training

Hello ! O genki deska ?

I am also interested studying aikido ! i love it ! i could show u some kinomichi movement i had opportunity study under Noro Sensei !

We could start quite fast ! i guess we need mat if we wanted roll but we could do other pactices before !

i know french friend, black belt, also interested !

thank u ! amitofo ! namo guan shi yin busha!

Forums > Living in Kunming > How is the Air Quality?

Ja, i am not very ecological person myself and i am working on that, looking for instance at germany

Pollution is a whole chain i guess. The meat industry is very polluting, specially if the animals are concentrated in unnatural parks and food must be brought to them by trucks. Then you have the whole cold chain which is a kind of disaster.

I try not use chemical detergents and limit water use as well as electritciy.

I try now limit my buying of little things like cigarettes, junk food, plastic bags,cans, etc...

It seems there is an informal recycling process in kunming but no good city policy. Anyone knows of that ?


In general from a philosophical point of view i think the pollution is a sign of a titan age. Like kronos killing his kids, people kill their kids'future with their cars. That is why i call my homeland 'vasktitans', they really swim in their shit near deserted churches.

In budism i guess we might call that psychology if not metaphysics, egui, hungry ghosts. They good at reading mind like in death bardo !


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Tasty is for you an ethical criteria ? How do u base an ethics on pleasure or being tasty ? For instance, rape is tasty ?

Other questions i not interested to answer. And if u think artificial insemination is ethical, hope is good karma for u in next lives if it is the case.

It is a well know fact that intensive animal farming is an ecological disaster.

I dont know what are the figures in yunnan, but to destroy nature to give water to unnatural farming seems add aberrant practices to aberrant practices (from taurus masturbation for artifical insemination to ungrounded animals)

As some have pointed, i guess is first individuals must make themselves responsible for their consumption, pollution and exploitation.

In termes of animal what is one responsible for: unnatural ownership that can go as far as kind of slavery or torture (battery chicken that these days give national disease) ?

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David, i know quite a lot about the pig industry. And it is often very unethical.

I also studied tcm and these kinds of food are often bad for health.
