well, happy to c there are some few book lovers left, such as john and ness... my lonely life feels less alone...
for next meeting, i propose ancient greek meeting with ancient india
1 dionysos travel to india: a must read poem by nonnus of panoplis (b careful! unfortunatly too much violence, like in most greeks' public myths. they mzy have learned non-violence from india)
2 scepticism, already present in socrate's confession of ignorance, took a strong breathe when inquiring indians' culture and buddhism, starting with pirrho
therefore we may read sextus empiricus: outline of pyrrhonism
ok la?
Heavy rains wreak havoc around Yunnan
发布者Any ideas why there is a drought ?
Governor: Provincial highway bathrooms China's worst
发布者In my experiment, one most annoying with chinese toilets,not considering the life and death of animals or products, is the mass attention and comments.
Is again for me the sign of hungry ghosts origin or destination. I maybe one rare veget aryan around here, yet to become a shenme in the "ta zai gan shenme" when i am at toilets seem really insane.
I guess is part of the reification of many natures such as animals. Just a show to consume,not a living being with feeling and suffering.
20 years in Yunnan with Jim Goodman
发布者Ja, yunnan at the 20s must have been a strange places !
Pop Up art exhibition to be held in Kunming
发布者Bacon ?
Do u find beautiful a pig shout ?
Around Town: Exploring Kunming's outdoor pools
发布者Thc for the article.
I was trying to get Tenzin Laba and a female friend to a romantic swimming but to no avail
In Liugong, Liuzhou, the workers place of the famous Liugong vehicles, there was a an opendoor pool where i spent great time with my spouse but they destroyed it when everything started crazy. Too bad, it was really cool !