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Forums > Food & Drink > Burger King

Well, i have been to www.bk.com to see about animals lives and deathes.

Couldnt find anything.

I think it should be a right for consumers to find more informations.

Forums > Food & Drink > Burger King

ocean i dont think it is digressing

on contrary i try b Focused aNd ask for a link or description of the lives of animals kilLed for that Fast food

but so far no answer


Forums > Food & Drink > Burger King

quester this is too philosophical a question here !

What i would liKe iS just a linK or a description of the life (including reproduction) of animals raiSeD for fast food in china

Forums > Food & Drink > Burger King

yes my point is that before BeinG kiLLed Meat tHey were LivinG beiNgs With feelingS

that is why i aSk hoW was Their Life beFore beiNg solD iN chinese fast food

So far no answer... stranGe and sCary iN MY opinioN

PLease giVe Me soMe LinkS oR DeScripTiONs


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Running in the mountains is great. I have a theory that up and down are the same.

Letting urself go, in wuwei, following dao, u can run pretty fast in a mountain.

But shoes do not seem a good idea.

Say tashi dele to yeshi, peace, love !

I always wonder when people talk about GOOD meal, GOOD food, what do they mean by GOOD ?

Is it a good sensation or good in an ethical meaning ?

For instance, eating human flesh or deprived of freedom animal, would also probably taste good.
