Well, i have been to www.bk.com to see about animals lives and deathes.
Couldnt find anything.
I think it should be a right for consumers to find more informations.
Well, i have been to www.bk.com to see about animals lives and deathes.
Couldnt find anything.
I think it should be a right for consumers to find more informations.
ocean i dont think it is digressing
on contrary i try b Focused aNd ask for a link or description of the lives of animals kilLed for that Fast food
but so far no answer
quester this is too philosophical a question here !
What i would liKe iS just a linK or a description of the life (including reproduction) of animals raiSeD for fast food in china
ShouLdnT b comPliCated
yes my point is that before BeinG kiLLed Meat tHey were LivinG beiNgs With feelingS
that is why i aSk hoW was Their Life beFore beiNg solD iN chinese fast food
So far no answer... stranGe and sCary iN MY opinioN
PLease giVe Me soMe LinkS oR DeScripTiONs
No results found.
Official apologizes for Dongchuan milk river
发布者i guess problems are psychiatric. from cruelty or indifference to madness it is a vicious circle
that might start in ur plate
Chinese bishop, excommunicated by Vatican, ordains new priests
发布者same quaestion than yankee !
i wondered around and couldnt find and i barely ask directions cause i feel like becoming insane in death bardo
Mystery man posing as Beijing official in Yunnan
发布者Our societies are crazies adn it starts with ur food
4.9 magnitude earthquake hits Zhaotong
发布者Might b bad omen for risk earthquake in kunming
i have feeling we could know earthquakes but i guess we need more harmony and feeling with elements and animals, study daoisms and the laws and kaos of the elements...
have pyty !
Yunnan official publicly proposes increased transparency
发布者Ja, is just one aspect of the greed, attachment and desire regardless of the suffering it creates
I am shocked how polluting the buses are in kunming. Those responsible are having a heavy karma that will probably lead them to unfortunate rebirth in some other planet