用户配置文件: graycake

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Forums > Living in Kunming > Sports medicine

As you may have seen on the front page, Kunming Ultimate is hosting a hat tournament on the weekend of July 6&7. We're looking for someone with some experience in sports medicine to act as our medic at the fields (Saturday and Sunday from about 9am to 3pm), helping injured players apply ice, wrap injuries, etc.... We'll have med kit materials available, all we need is your expertise! In return for your services, we'll feed you lunch on both days and can offer you inclusion in many of the tournament activities, such as disc golf, bags (aka cornhole), both tourney parties—INCLUDING dinner at Moondog on Friday and the costume contest at O'Reilly's on Saturday night—, and much more!

Please pm me if you or anyone you know has experience in sports medicine and is interested in helping us out. See you at the fields!


Forums > Food & Drink > Renting kitchen equipment

I'm looking for a place to rent kitchen and catering equipment. I only need a few very specific things: two folding tables, several large ice chests, and two large chaffing dishes. Can you help me find such things?! I'm totally willing to rent, but if you have any of these things and are willing to lend, I'd be so grateful! Also looking for a place to buy ice. Any tips are welcome. Thanks!


Forums > Living in Kunming > Ultimate frisbee tonight

Hey everyone,

It's Erin again, here to make a plug for Ultimate Frisbee. We play every Sunday at 4:30 at the Yunda field on Yi-er-yi, south side of the street, next to the 1-2-1 Lotus Pool bus stop. Also, we'd like to start playing regularly on Wednesdays, same field, starting at 5pm. No experience required! All you need to come play is some water and a pair of shoes that are comfortable for running in. You don't even need to know what Ultimate is—we can fill you in! If you're just a little curious, come give it a try; all levels are welcome.

Join us this evening, Wednesday the 20th, at 5pm for some throwing and a scrimmage. Let me know if you need better directions to the field. Hope I see you out there!



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