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Forums > Living in Kunming > How to get Google play working.

Google Play uses 2 methods to determine where you are (and display content accordingly):
1. Your IP;
2. Your mobile service operator's numeric value (Mobile Network Code- MNC);

You may use a veepeean and connect to a US server, but if you don't fake your operator's MNC, you're still not gonna be able to see certain content (paid apps, books, movies, music).

To fake this number, you need a rooted phone and "Market Enabler" app (just google it, it can be downloaded for free).

Google Play launches itself as a background service whenever you connect to the internet, so if you do that when not using a faked MNC, it will be set to your Chinese operator's number.
However, you can always clear Goole Play's data (go to Settings->Applications Manager).

Fake MNC, connect to a US veepeeean, clear Google Play data, relaunch Google Play.

Forums > Living in Kunming > How much do you pay for rent?

Just like shopping for anything else here (maybe apart from buying in stores like Walmart or Carrefour)- bring a Chinese friend with you when looking for an apartment. He/she can pretend to be looking for a place for him/herself, and bargain.
There are lots of agencies here, most of them stick their offers to the windows, so you can have a look and then bargain- the agencies are just intermediaries between you and landlords, who may be willing to cut prices.

Food: depending on your diet, a meal costs between 10 and 20 CNY, for 20 you can have a decent one with lots of meat and rice.

Utilities: I don't know about water, but electricity costs 0,45 CNY/kWh between April and December (wet season; during dry months it's a price ladder, the more you use the more you pay, but it never gets higher than 0,8 CNY/kWh), so you can calculate that yourself.

Probably you will be using a water heater, which usually is rated at around 2000W and takes about an hour to heat the water, so that's around 1 CNY per shower. Try looking for a flat with a solar tank heater on the roof, then you can save electricity on sunny days (plenty of them here).

Heating: no such thing here :D
It can be colder indoors than outside.
If you're cold you can buy an electric heater, ranging from 800W to 2000W (so same energy consumption as the water one).

1 kWh equals 1000W x 1 hour, e.g.:
800 W heater running for 8 hours = 6,4 kWh.

Do the math yourself :).


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