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Forums > Living in Kunming > Health check abnormalities- problem ?

I've just got my foreigner health check results (applying for a Z visa).
The issues are (under "General comments"):
- "ECG: Occasional supraventricular extrasystole. Take regular follow-up by ECG"
- "Urine routine abnormal, Reexamine is suggested"

Will these be an issue when applying for a Z visa ?
All the other tests are OK, no STDs etc.

I checked on the net, the ECG thing is nothing to be worried about, the urine thing is probably a result of my diet, so also- nothing serious, but how do visa authorities look at these ?

Forums > Living in Kunming > Indoor/Outdoor Swimming Pools in Kunming

You might want to try the pool that belongs to the University of Finance and Economics (Long quan lu). It's right next to the sports field.
From what I hear from people- that's probably the best one (most technologically advanced) in Kunming.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Renting vs subletting a room

Well, when I went there I got the "Registration Voucher of Residence For Visitors From Overseas", with a nice red "户口专用" stamp, and it looks exactly the same like my previous ones (ofc. with different details, like the address).

edit: Ohhh and probably the most important thing here is that the station that I went to is the special one (like you mentioned)... That's what I can tell from reading the signs on it (something with hu kou, registration etc.).

Forums > Living in Kunming > Renting vs subletting a room

I think some police stations don't give a damn about tenancy agreements, when I went to register I just had my Chinese flatmate's (main tenant) name and ID number written on a piece of paper, nothing else.


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