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Forums > Living in Kunming > Where to buy shoes?

Having a complicated size 47 myself I do not even try to look for shoes in Kunming. I have to stock up in Europe and even there it is hard enough (And often made in China).
But one tip that will not help you for your wedding but others living or travelling around these parts of the world.
HANOI. In the center of Hanoi at the back of the "Water puppet teatre" there is a shoe market and some of the shops there sell shoes in large sizes (Mind you not to much choice either but better than Kunming)


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Well I looked into David Wozney, "Dinosaurs: Science or Science Fiction" a bit further and the only references I got where from conspiracy theory websites like:
which has articles like "The first Human-pig hybrid has been created, secrets of the pyramids that will change the world and a lady claiming that she has been raped by aliens and that NASA has confirmed that earth has a new moon.
Their mission is: Exposing the 'Global' Conspiracy from Atlantis to Zion
Their favicon (The little picture that appears on the tabs of browsers) looks very much like that of Breitbart.

Which gives us the plane truth about the flat earth
And the very useful:
which gives instructions on how to make your own dinosaur out of chicken bones.

Well I am impressed and now totally convinced that the Great Dolphin must be right and from now on I will follow him and belief every word he writes.

Sorry Dolphin, I tried but failed. Nobody in the Netherlands and the US wanted to listen to me. These Dutchees at the museum said they knew and that's why they didn't put their own money in it. The US guys where to busy right now with pipe-bombs and things like that.
I can understand that they don't take the word from a simple messenger but if you, our great Prophet, go there yourself then I am sure they will listen.

Thanks Dolphin for clearing this up. Trix the Tyrannosaurus Rex was financed by crowd funding and got most of its money from children. Dutch TV provided free publicity and the largest supermarket chain in the Netherlands held special promotions and even the postal service issued special stamps. And now we have to inform all of these that they bought a fake made in China from ground up chicken bones held together with resin.
I will inform all of them that they have been deceived. I will inform as well the US District Court of Montana and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in the US that they have been dealing with a fake and therefore will have to annul their ownership rulings.
All will be very thankful to "The Great Dolphin" for setting things straight (And his humble messenger Mr Lemon who past on the words of this Great Prophet).

