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Forums > Living in Kunming > Copying and stealing; intellectual property right

unfortunately territorial prerogatives are part of human nature. and i am sure the good old cave men were smashing their heads in, for far less than territorial disputes.

you make it sound like, that at that time everything was great, without violence and problems.

why don't you bring some ideas on the table. all you ever do is judge, and complain. or trying to force your idea of "your "NWO on everyone. No offense but no solution....,no change!

Forums > Living in Kunming > Copying and stealing; intellectual property right

China is not paying enough attention to this issue. Especially for foreign entities. At one point they have to but then it may be too late. I am already checking into producing in India, which has a much better reputation when it comes to IP, and there are huge changes in how to work with the state and private companies to build better working conditions, healthcare and social security in India. Hopefully in the next 5 years there will be decisions made towards the right direction.

Biggest problem there, (for foreign companies investing in India), so far corruption, and bureaucracy.

But from what I hear, still better than China.

India at least already noticed the issue. China is still running blindly towards whatever smells of profit, without thought about sustainability.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Copying and stealing; intellectual property right

It isn't. I, for example, am trying to start a business that is relying on designs (and its protection of).

If I throw my product on the market and everyone can just take it and get away with it, by producing cheap knock-offs. That would ruin my business and its reputation.

I agree with HFCAMPO. For big corporations who often, if not always use protective laws and regulations for profit and shady business practices, -this may be a way to take control over ideas and designs, far beyond what they actually designed.

But for the little and medium businesses this is the life-line of survival.
I mean seriously we are talking about billions of dollars of profit losses.

but furthermore and something difficult to put in numbers. I don't want to know how many businesses failed, were ruined or are close to bankruptcy, due to stealing and copying, of IP.

You will see when you start your own business that is relying on good and protected ideas, it makes a difference on how to look at the whole issue.

We already have to take three different strategies, just to face the problem if IP theft.
Strategy building, which is time and resource consuming, and still not as effective as it could be.

I am not trying to pull anyone to court, I just don't want my stuff to be copied without my knowledge.

The saddest part is, most smaller companies would happily, build a joint venture with the people who are behind the theft. I mean they obviously have huge industries and factories behind them. But they are too greedy, to cooperate. Even when they are offered 50 or more percent, they still don't accept that.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Copying and stealing; intellectual property right

these factors indeed matter, but still they come after a competive product.

most of the things, companies can adapt in a few days if not weeks. but taking away the next generation of product is a huge damage.

i am seeing more and more cases where the IP theft killed the company.

especially if you are in the innovating mid sized company, it.s more gambling than developing. now in germany as a company, you can get free advise from the domestic secret service, on how to protect yourself from IP theft.


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you can' hypnotize people to do something they don.t want to do.

a friend of mine took a 11day trip to europe. the moment the boarding was complete, the guide asked 400 euro from each passenger or she wouldn't guide them. no sightseeing, etc. and of course she kept the passports.

wow...sounds like they needed a lot of planning and personnel in the maticulous planning of a terrorist masterplan, such as killing random people at a busy trainstation with knives and machetes.

i just saw a newsfeed where 10 thugs attacked and smashed a preschool on beijing lu. and they were very cautious of not killing anyone...the point is they seemed to have planned their attacks much more carefull with a tenth of manpower.

i wouldn't be surprised if the executed culprits are bloggers or rights activists or just normal blokes having commited the crime of offending an influencial person or VIP.

confessing after a few weeks in chinese jail. isn.t proof enough for me.

i guess we will hear and see of more dilenquents related to the horrible march events, in the future. since there will never be access to the trial, it's a free ticket of killing whoever they want. making all westers secret organizations look like incompetent posers in terms of killing people they don.t like.

the sad thing is that by killing and jailing everyone not compliant with their political view or being of another religion or minority. they make the victims and their families complicit.

i go with Haali on this one.
I would marry a lantern-fish to safe anyone in my family.

plus who knows if it works. i know people that were friends or partners for years and when they married, it didn't last for more than a few weeks.
i know people that met for an hour and knew they'd stay together forever.

and maybe she finds a smart, romantic fella and he gives her the money out of compassion and asks her to get to know each other first. A bloke having 300 thou flying around won't mind losing it over a girl he likes.

i agree with what walter said. the station is not a place for high fliers. but more people at the station being able to relate to poverty related problems.

i can only wish she gets the money for her brother and the bloke of her dreams.



What a wonderful experience!!!
We chose Richland to give birth to our baby.

And literally everything there was incredible.

The competence of the physicians, the care and attention to details.

The rooms were more luxurious than most mid range hotel room.
We had a birth with few minor complications and the doctors were amazing.

They didn't withhold any information about risks and actually gave us a very detailed briefing about all possible risks.
An army of doctors visited us every morning, making sure everything is fine, being serious about everything. Afterwards they always had a little anecdote and always encouraging words for first time parents.
They encouraged Daddy to stay overnight and they taught us a whole bunch of tricks to take care of the baby.

The food was good and cheap.

Indeed, the price is higher than most local hospitals but it is worth every penny.
Plus if you go to a local hospital they may give you a fixed price and later tell you about some emergencies and then you end up with a bill around 10 grand as well.

Our baby had the umbilical cord around her neck twice and they still recommended us to give natural birth, since they measured the umb. cord's length, that is very exceptional in China where everyone pushes for C-section.

We paid in total, a little over 13000RMB (excluding pre-checks).

And to the usual 7-8000RMB in other overcrowded, loud and messy Kunming clinics it's totally worth it.

If we have another child and we are in Kunming we will definitely go back.

Thanks again RICHLAND to make this rough and exhausting days a wonderful and relaxing experience.