to clarify a little.
most fake grape wines, similar to local wine producers, are just refilling mediocre to acceptable wines into their brand bottlrs or fake labled foreign brands and multiply the original prices, by sky is the limit.
e.g. Lafitte Rothschild stated that more than 70%of all their wines in China are fake. first they don't export or produce that much wine for the chinese market, as is being sold here.
also keep in mind that carrefour only has a very limited selection of their own wines. all other grape wines are sold by resellers and middleman and have a tendency to be fake at least, occassionaly.
lots of the booze in china,foreign or domestic, is fake or stretched with chemicals. you can buy test strips on taobao, testing for ethanol and methanol. also there are websites offering a variety of checklists on how to test for real booze at home.
saying that kundu in general has fake booze is probably an over generalization.
moondog e.g. sells booze as real as it gets.
if you buy grape wine buy it from proper wine sellers e.g vinfrance or henry 1901 etc the get their wines directly from the vinyards and they oversee the importing process. a bit more expensive but safer.
for booze it's more difficult as you never know who sold the booze to the mart.
Holiday operator suspended for violating national tourism laws
发布者you can' hypnotize people to do something they don.t want to do.
a friend of mine took a 11day trip to europe. the moment the boarding was complete, the guide asked 400 euro from each passenger or she wouldn't guide them. no sightseeing, etc. and of course she kept the passports.
Three executed for Kunming railway station attack
发布者wow...sounds like they needed a lot of planning and personnel in the maticulous planning of a terrorist masterplan, such as killing random people at a busy trainstation with knives and machetes.
i just saw a newsfeed where 10 thugs attacked and smashed a preschool on beijing lu. and they were very cautious of not killing anyone...the point is they seemed to have planned their attacks much more carefull with a tenth of manpower.
i wouldn't be surprised if the executed culprits are bloggers or rights activists or just normal blokes having commited the crime of offending an influencial person or VIP.
confessing after a few weeks in chinese jail. isn.t proof enough for me.
i guess we will hear and see of more dilenquents related to the horrible march events, in the future. since there will never be access to the trial, it's a free ticket of killing whoever they want. making all westers secret organizations look like incompetent posers in terms of killing people they don.t like.
the sad thing is that by killing and jailing everyone not compliant with their political view or being of another religion or minority. they make the victims and their families complicit.
Woman offers marriage in exchange for brother's healthcare
发布者i go with Haali on this one.
I would marry a lantern-fish to safe anyone in my family.
plus who knows if it works. i know people that were friends or partners for years and when they married, it didn't last for more than a few weeks.
i know people that met for an hour and knew they'd stay together forever.
and maybe she finds a smart, romantic fella and he gives her the money out of compassion and asks her to get to know each other first. A bloke having 300 thou flying around won't mind losing it over a girl he likes.
i agree with what walter said. the station is not a place for high fliers. but more people at the station being able to relate to poverty related problems.
i can only wish she gets the money for her brother and the bloke of her dreams.